Public Group active 1 month, 3 weeks ago

DVG – Data Visualization Group

Data Visualization Group (i.e., DVG) is a place for students, faculty, and staff who are interested in sharing topics, theories, methods, and techniques related to data visualization. Data visualization is a graphical representation of data. Done well, visual elements such as charts, graphs, and maps are just a few data visualization tools that can provide viewers an accessible way of understanding the represented information. In a world increasingly governed by Big Data, data visualization can assist decision-makers in their analyses.
In this working group, members are encouraged to discuss and share theories, methods, and projects that include but are not limited to data preprocessing, data explanation, data exploration, theories of data visualization, real-world examples, and ongoing work. We will explore the fundamentals of data visualization including design principles, best practices, dashboards, visualization tools, ethics, and more.
This is a new working group, and topics will be based on participation and interest. Virtual meetings are free, open to all GC Community members of all skill levels, disciplines, and backgrounds.


  • Discussion of Unstructured Data Visualization (Zoom session is available)

    In data visualization, we often come across these two data types: structured data and unstructured data. In this post, we will briefly talk about unstructured data visualization. Usually, unstructured data includes text, image, video, sound, imaging (x-ray, FMR, etc.). In most cases, we have to convert unstructured data to structured data before visualizing it. More advanced ways of visualizing unstructured data include AI-based linguistic analytical tool, unsupervised machine learning, etc. For example, we can transcribe an audio file to text and generate a corpus, which can be visualized as a word cloud and word vector later. IBM Watson provides a speech-to-text API that could satisfy your need for auto-transcription of audio files. Moreover, it also offers an AI-based analytical tool for NLP jobs, including analysis of sentiment, emotion, keywords, entities, categories, concept, syntax, personality insight, etc.

    Tomorrow (Nov 20th) we will discuss the concepts and resources of unstructured data visualization in our causal group meeting via Zoom from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Moreover, I will go through visualization (table, plot, and grids) of data attributes for different machine learning methods (shallow neural network, random forest, SVM, regression, combination algorithm) in R if time allows. Welcome to join us!

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