Public Group active 4 days, 22 hours ago

Digital Studies Group

The Digital Studies Group (DSG) brings together CUNY faculty members, researchers, and doctoral students interested in a broad range of intellectual, cultural, economic, legal, and pedagogical issues related to the growing impact of digital media on the ways we read, think, teach, learn and entertain ourselves in the United States and across the globe. Beginning in fall 2009, the seminar will meet periodically at The CUNY Graduate Center to hear presentations of ongoing digital media research work, to discuss traditional and online texts on digital media issues, and to explore new digital media approaches to cultural production and to questions of teaching and learning.


Scott Dexter is looking for a good grad student to hire

  • Steve passed along this request for a grad student to help with an NSF grant project:

    Hi, Steve —

    I can’t remember if I mentioned this to you when we talked, but I have an NSF grant, in collaboration with a cognitive psychologist at Brooklyn, to study creativity and aesthetics in programming. We have a couple psych grad students working with us, but I’d love to hire a grad student (say, starting in the Spring) with more of an interest in technology (and, ideally, some basic proficiency in programming).

    As you might imagine, I’m not super-excited about the prospect of hiring a CS PhD student for this project. But it occurred to me that possibly the ITP Certificate Program might be a sort of pool of grad students who could be a good fit. (I also have a personal interest in doing some more abstruse theoretical work on code and what it means, so my fantasy is a grad student in, say, English, who also is interested in technology, who could both work on the grant-funded project and help me develop some theoretical notions.)

    Is there any viability to this idea of mine?


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