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Digital Dissertations
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Oct 31: Enacting a Different STEM: Building Equitable Futures Beyond "Diversity"
Posted by Katina Rogers (she/her) on October 28, 2016 at 3:00 pm<strong>Monday, October 31 | 1 PM to 3 PM </strong><strong>EDT</strong><strong> |</strong><a href=""><strong> </strong></a><strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a> | <a href="" target="_blank">#fight4edu</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">RSVP</a></strong>
Co-sponsored by HASTAC, GC Digital Initiatives, the Software Studies Initiative, the Office of Educational Opportunity and Diversity, and America Needs You.
Join the Futures Initiative on October 31st from 1-3pm for Enacting a Different STEM: Building Equitable Futures Beyond “Diversity.” The discussion will include multiple perspectives on working against structural barriers to support equity and social justice in STEM, both in the academy and in industry. Expert panelists <strong>Jill Bargonetti</strong> (Hunter College), <strong>Gillian Bayne</strong> (GC and Lehman College), <strong>Andrew Rosenberg</strong> (Queens College and IBM) and <strong>Sara Vogel</strong> (GC PhD student, Urban Education) are joined by moderator <strong>Michelle Morales</strong>, Futures Initiative Fellow and GC PhD student in Computational Linguistics. Join us to learn about the kinds of inspiring, creative research that can be fostered by dismantling racial and gender-based bias.
For those joining us in person, a reception will follow.
This panel is the second in the second year of The University Worth Fighting For, a series of events that tie student-centered, engaged pedagogical practices to institutional change, race, equality, gender, and social justice.
To help build momentum and to provide a place to discuss related topics outside of the event itself, we also invite you to join a Twitter chat on October 31 at 12 to 1 p.m. at the hashtag <a href="" target="_blank">#fight4edu</a>.
<strong>Panelist Bios</strong>
<strong>Sara Vogel</strong> is a PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center’s Urban Education program interested in the intersection of bilingual education, social justice pedagogy, computer science education and digital media learning. She is a collaborator on the “CS Visions” project, which was recently included on a list of commitments compiled by the White House to advance nationwide Computer Science for All initiatives. She holds a Master's degree in bilingual education from CUNY – Hunter College, and taught Spanish, technology, and literacy at a public middle school in East Harlem, New York, as a Teach for America Corps Member. Before returning to academia, she worked at the youth development organization, Global Kids, Inc, where she guided youth from diverse backgrounds to design video games and other digital media projects about local and global issues that mattered to them.
<strong>Andrew Rosenberg</strong> is a Research Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson Research Center. From 2009-2016, he was a professor of computer science at Queens College. He was a member of the doctoral faculties and their respective admissions committees in the computer science and linguistics programs at the CUNY Graduate Center. He directed the computational linguistics sub-program to the linguistics program from 2013-2016. He received a PhD from Columbia in 2009.
<strong>Jill Bargonetti</strong> is a Full Professor at The City University of New York (CUNY) at Hunter College and The Graduate Center in the PhD Programs of Biology and Biochemistry. In 2015 she joined the Cornell Medical Center Hunter College Belfer Research team as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology. Since arriving at CUNY in 1994 Dr. Bargonetti has received numerous awards and recognitions. In 1997 she received a National Science Foundation Career Award and also received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President William Clinton. She was a member of the National Cancer Policy Board from 2002 until 2005 (a board of the Institution of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies) and currently serves as a standing member on the National Institutes of Health, Tumor Cell Biology study section until 2018. Professor Bargonetti is an expert in the fields of p53 and MDM2 biology. She has carried out extensive research on the function of wild-type p53 (which assists in the suppression of tumor cells), on oncogenic mutant p53 function (which is a tumor promoter), and on the p53-dependent and p53-independent functions of MDM2. Dr. Bargonetti has been recognized for her outreach and teaching accomplishments at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Classes she has designed include an undergraduate curriculum using p53-biology as an undergraduate biology exercise (used in Biology 302 since 1997 and now in Biology 303). She has recently developed a new movement based class called “Choreographing Genomics” (Biology 175) that uses Post-Modern dance choreographic concepts for students to explore genomics and the relationship to Cancer Biology. Dr. Bargonetti has graduated fourteen PhD recipients. In addition numerous undergraduate students have worked with Dr. Bargonetti on research projects and she has trained many undergraduates on p53 biology in the coordinated laboratory and lecture courses Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology.
<strong>Gillian Bayne </strong>is a tenured associate professor of science education, who has a dual appointment – at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Lehman College in the Middle and High School Education Department, and CUNY’s Graduate Center in the Urban Education Department. At Lehman College, Gillian also serves as a program coordinator in the Science Education Program and is a CoPI of the STEMELL Noyce Program that is funded through the National Science Foundation. With over fifteen years of science teaching experience in New York City public and private high schools, in addition to adult basic education programs, Gillian combines her expertise and commitment to excellence with innovative teaching philosophies and practices in order to create greater equitable possibilities for students and teachers as they embark on the complex journey that is science education. Grounding her work primarily in cultural sociology, the sociology of emotions and critical pedagogy, Gillian's research interests involve improving teaching and learning in science education through the use of cogenerative dialogues and coteaching at the high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. Another research focus involves examining the personal and professional trajectories of underrepresented scientists of color as a means to increase interest and strengthen competence in marginalized urban secondary science students’ academic and career pursuits in STEM and STEM related fields.
<strong>How to Join Us</strong>
<li>To attend in person, <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>RSVP now!</strong></a></li>
<li>Watch the livestream at <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a> (unedited footage will be available after the workshop for a limited time under "Recent Videos," and we'll post an edited version soon)</li>
<li>Follow the hashtag<a href="" target="_blank"> #fight4edu</a> and tweet your questions/comments</li>
<li>During and after the workshop, add your questions and comments to <a title="" href="" target="_blank">this Google Doc</a></li>
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