Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS Workshoo - Feb 10th 5-6pm
Hi everyone,
Next Friday, Feb 10 5-6pm, we will be having our second workshop of the Spring semester, also a mapping workshop. We will go over a few geoprocessing tools in QGIS. Here is a brief description of the workshop and link to register:
Title: Setting your spatial stage: geoprocessing tools with QGIS
Description: This workshop is…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic GCDI Mapping Workshop - 3D spatial visualization using rayshader package in R
Hi, everyone.
Coming here to announce our first workshop of the semester.
3D Models of Canyons, Lakes and Rivers!
Join us Friday, February 3rd, 5.00 – 6.30pm, as we dive into an exciting RStudio workshop using the Rayshader package!
Tyler Morgan Wall’s Rayshader & Rayrender packages for R allow you to create 3D models of both statistical…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic `Mapping User Group Group Sessions - Spring 2023
Hi, everyone.
As we prepare to begin our biweekly meetings for the Mapping User Group during the spring semester, I would like to get your feedback on what times would be best for us to meet, and what topics we should cover. I believe over the past semester and on DRI, we had attendance from a few people that have ongoing mapping projects, so I…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Mapping User Group Meetings - Fall 2022
Hi, everyone.
The Mapping User Group will resume our biweekly meetings by next week. Our first meeting will be on Thursday Oct 6th, from 4-5pm. Here is the link for our sign-up form: https://forms.gle/Q1rcXrDqpnEbEBPy5
We would appreciate if everyone could sign up on that list, so we can keep track of how many people are expected…[Read more]
Kamilia Adil joined the group
Randip K Parhar (She/Her) joined the group
Kristy Leonardatos (She/Her) joined the group
Irteza joined the group
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic GIS / Mapping User Group Summer Bootcamp
Hi, everyone.
During this summer, the GIS / Mapping User Group will be hosting a remote GIS bootcamp, with weekly meetings on Friday (4-5pm, right after out RUG meeting), from July 15 to August 19. Our goal will be to cover from the basics concepts of GIS and move to more advanced skills we can develop using the software QGIS…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Mapping User Group - Summer Meetings
Hi, everyone.
Here is a sign-up sheet for the summer meetings of our group. So far, the topics are open, but we are working on organizing a schedule with topics for us to work throughout the summer.
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic GIS / Mapping User Group Slack
Hi, everyone.
I created a Slack workspace for our group, for those interested in communicating over there. The main goal will be to communicate about future meetings and share information. Most important information will also be placed here.
Here is the…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic GIS / Mapping Working Group - Co-Working Sessions
Hello, everyone.
I would like to organize with you all the possibility of continuing our GIS Group meetings over the summer. I modified the original form with additional questions on what would be the best way to have meetings during the sumer. If you are interested in joining us, fill out the form (link below). I will be sending a when2meet…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Upcoming GIS event in meet up - Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis in R
Hi, everyone.
Just coming here to let you all know about this new event I just heard about. It seems really interesting for people wanting to dive more into the GIS world using R. I personally just found about this group (through Connor, former GCDF) and am planning to join their events more times.
Here is the link for the event (you can…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Sign up for GIS/Mapping Co-Working Group Sessions
Hello, all. Hope the holiday season was great.
During Spring 2022, the GIS/Mapping User Group will be having biweekly meetings on Friday from 4-5pm. I send below a link with the dates for this semester, so you can sign up for any of next sessions. We will be chatting and discussing about GIS related questions and projects (including help with…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic Save the date - GCDI GIS Week Events
GIS Week Events
Event 1
What: GIS Open House
When: Nov 15, 2-3:30pm
Where: Online Synchronous Session on Zoom
Details: this event is dedicated to bring together people through the CUNY community working with GIS related resources available to the GC community. Through the talks, you will learn about what kinds of tools,…[Read more]
Rilquer Mascarenhas started the topic CSI GIS Day - Save The Date
Hello, all!
Coming here to share this event happening in the College of State Island for GIS Day. Some interesting talks will be happening on Nov 17 and 18, from 6pm!
More info:
Rilquer Mascarenhas (he/him/his) joined the group
Elizabeth Rosalen joined the group
Sarah Kahl joined the group
Zhan Gong joined the group
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