Public Group active 3 days, 15 hours ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



Fwd: Immersive Technologies Librarian

  • ———- Forwarded message ———
    From: Sherwood, Emily <>
    Date: Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 9:49 AM
    Subject: Immersive Technologies Librarian

    Dear Friends,

    My apologies for the mass email. I’m reaching out to ask for your help in
    circulating the attached job call (also below) for an Immersive
    Technologies Librarian at the University of Rochester

    The Digital Scholarship Lab (my team) will oversee the building of and
    programming for a new 3,000sq ft XR space in our Science and Engineering
    library that will open in fall of 2020. The immersive Technologies
    Librarian will be central to the development of the space, programming, and
    support for faculty and student AR/VR research. It’s an exciting initiative
    for us because we have support from the library and college administrations
    plus interest from faculty and students.

    Please feel free to direct people my way, if they have questions. Thanks,
    in advance, for your help in spreading the word.

    All the best,


    Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.

    Director, Digital Scholarship Lab

    River Campus Libraries

    University of Rochester

    (585) 273-5010

    *Immersive Technologies Librarian*

    University of Rochester, River Campus Libraries

    Job ID: 214618

    *Position Summary:*

    The Immersive Technologies Librarian’s primary focus is the creation of
    Studio X, a program and space for students, staff, and faculty to
    augmented, extended, mixed, and virtual reality (XR) and related
    technologies. The purpose of Studio X is to inspire innovative and
    interdisciplinary engagement, and to facilitate the development of a rich
    community of practice for XR, an area that is a strategic research priority
    at the University of Rochester. With the support of a range of
    collaborators within the libraries and beyond, the Immersive Technologies a
    Librarian designs and delivers an exploratory program that introduces
    students and faculty to tools, approaches, and technologies that make up
    XR, with an eye towards transforming coursework, inspiring new research
    directions, and providing support to innovative student and faculty
    projects. The Immersive Technologies Librarian will be part of a team
    designing Studio X, which is set to open in 2020, and will take on the
    responsibility of designing and bringing programming and support services
    into the space.

    The Immersive Technologies Librarian joins the Digital Scholarship Lab, a
    team already consulting on XR projects and is deeply engaged in innovative
    research and teaching. This role has as peers Outreach Librarians already
    providing on-ramp programming on a range of research and technology skills.
    These peers will join forces with the Immersive Technologies Librarian to
    find key curricular connections, and partner on creating and delivering XR
    programming initiatives.


    XR Workshops, Events, Training, and other Academic Programming

    – In collaboration with Outreach Librarians, Digital Scholarship Lab
    colleagues, and other collaborators, design and implement a learning and
    exploration program in XR technologies, methodologies, and critical
    theoretical approaches that meets the needs of students and faculty across
    – Explore connections with the curriculum
    – Build relationships with key faculty with research and teaching
    interests in XR to explore potential programs and initiatives
    – Design and implement learning opportunities for library staff in order
    to build XR capacity in current and potential collaborators

    XR and Digital Scholarship Consultation

    – Consult with faculty interested in utilizing XR technologies and
    methodologies in their research
    – Participate in interdisciplinary project teams in support of digital
    scholarship projects
    – Explore ways to offer consultation and one-on-one support services
    through Studio X, with support from leadership across the libraries as

    XR Student Employee Management

    – Mentor student-employees supporting Studio X programming and projects
    – Design and deliver training for student employees supporting XR across
    the libraries

    Studio X Space Management

    – Help consult on the design, development, and maintenance of the Studio
    – Assess programming and activities to meet evolving needs of faculty
    and students engaged in XR

    Professional Development

    – Stay current of trends in XR and emerging digital scholarship
    technologies, tools, and methodologies
    – Maintain good knowledge of existing exemplary work, projects, best
    practices, conferences, professional literature, and key players in XR and
    XR support
    – Share key learning as appropriate with DSL and Outreach colleagues

    Miscellaneous Duties

    – Participate in and support fundraising and grant writing initiatives
    – Participate in and contributes towards River Campus Libraries and
    University committees, meetings, and events
    – Contribute to the profession through active participation in
    conferences, associations, research, writing, etc.
    – Perform other duties as assigned


    – Post-graduate degree in library and information science from an
    A.L.A.-accredited institution, *or equivalent degree and experience*
    – Outstanding interpersonal skills and abilities
    – Ability to working both independently and collaboratively in a team
    – Outstanding verbal, written, and presentation skills
    – Experience with XR
    – Instructional skills
    – Willingness to learn and explore new and emerging technologies
    – Self-starter who flexible, creative, and open to new challenges
    – Strong commitment to diversity

    *Preferred Qualification & Competencies:*

    – Experimentation with digital tools and methods in research and/or
    – Project management
    – Grant writing

    When applying online please submit cover letter & resume as one PDF

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