Digital Humanities Initiative

Public Group active 2 weeks ago

Ethics of Data Science

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  • #60041
    Emanuel Moss

    For anyone interested in thinking through ethics and data, Laura Noren is teaching a grad-level course at NYU:
    The upshot is that it’s a critical thinking course that looks at a range of (un)intended consequences and trade-offs between doing the highest quality data science, efficient/affordable data science, and providing broad social benefits. Self-driving cars, for instance, are likely to prevent deaths that our current driving technologies do not. Still, that leaves tricky questions about when to allow wide scale self-driving cars onto the road, knowing that they are likely to have some kinks at the outset, kinks that could cause fatalities (even as the technology is improving on the traffic fatality rate overall).
    It is open to students from the consortium.
    There are no pre-requisites.
    ***For those who want to register, send them to Laura Noren ( and/or Jamie Baldwin ( for assistance.***

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