Assistant Professor of Psychology, Medgar Evers College
Public Group active 3 months, 1 week ago
CMCS is a coalition of practitioners and teachers advancing CUNY’s mission as one of the country’s leading engines of public education and socio-economic mobility, recognizing that true human flourishing grows out of cultivating the fullness of human being – body, mind, and spirit.
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Medgar Evers College
Manager, Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies
I'm what Willis was talking about.
Eternal student and teacher.
Associate Professor and development economist; Provost Fellow in Inclusive Pedagogy; Baruch College
Director of Hunter College Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning & Leading (C-SELL)
Coordinator of Technical Services/Professor
Professor and Chair of Modern Languages and Literatures at Brooklyn College
mathematics faculty
Special Education- Learning Disabilities and Multiple Disabilities
Brooklyn College Biology. Forever learning.
Doctoral Lecturer CCE, Department of Chemistry, QCC
Founding member of CMCS
Assistant Professor of Psychology