Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago

CUNY Manifold Users

This group is a place for folx using CUNY’s instance of Manifold Here, you can share skills and ask questions as you create Manifold Projects. All are welcome.

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MathML, MathJax, or LaTex Support on Manifold

  • Hello all,

    I’m currently preparing a statistics book for publication on the platform and I was wondering if Manifold supports either MathML, MathJax, or LaTex? The book contains many formulas, and while images could be substituted in the place of code, the code will make it easier to revise later.

    Thank you!

    Scott Lipkowitz

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  • Hi Scott,

    Huge thanks for making use of this forum for your question!! (I hope others will pipe in with questions as they have them).

    We are very interested in supporting publications like yours, but will likely need to experiment a bit with you to make it happen. If you are open to experimenting with us, we’d be happy to see what is possible.

    At the moment, our developers are saying that the best way to do this would be to publish using ePub ingestion. If an ePub has MathML in it, it should render as-is in the browser. The problem is that at the moment, only FireFox and Safari support MathML natively ( ), which means that (according to our developer), “you want a polyfill in place to support older browsers.”

    It looks like with some experimentation we should be able to help you, so please let us know whether you are interested. And thanks for using Manifold!!



    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I am more than willing to experiment; if this book can pilot a way to render mathematical formulas in Manifold I think it will be beneficial to all. I will start with trying an ePub ingestion, but please let me know if the developers have any alternative paths they’d like to try. Additionally, I can come by the Grad Center to meet in person if that helps.

    Thank you again.



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