Public Group active 4 days, 7 hours ago


a group for current and former students, faculty, and staff of the CUNY Graduate Center Certificate Program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (



  • Upcoming Workshops

    Hi all,

    Hope you all had a great first week of classes, and a restful holiday weekend! I wanted to let you all know about a few upcoming workshops in the coming weeks.

    Introduction to HTML/CSS (ITP)
    Wednesday, September 5 – 6:30-8:30
    GC Library basement, room C196
    Sign up here:

    I\’ll be leading a class tomorrow evening on HTML and CSS, markup languages that let you create websites, among other things. If you don\’t get a chance to sign up, it\’s all right if you drop in.

    Digital Academic Identity & WordPress I (Digital Fellows)
    Tuesday, September 11 – 6:30-8:30
    Room 9204
    Sign up here:

    The purpose of this workshop is to help you establish a digital academic identity while becoming familiar with the WordPress platform. We will focus on utilizing the CUNY Academic Commons, helping you establish your digital CV, a blog, or both. We will focus on organization and design, including theme editing, managing content, custom menus and image use. We recommend that attendees come prepared with their CV (digital format preferred) and / or a blog idea or sample blog post. If you are not already a member of the CUNY Academic Commons, we recommend that you sign up before the workshop.

    Planning and Completing a Project (ITP)
    Monday, September 17, 6:30-8:30
    GC Library basement, room C196
    Sign up here:

    This professional development workshop will focus on learning how to acquire skills and plan that out. Through interactive exercises, participants will gain an understanding of how to determine vectors for acquiring skills sets (what related digital workshops will be needed to achieve a development objective).

    Lexicon of DH (Digital Fellows)
    September 18 – 6:30-8:30
    Room 9204
    Sign up here:

    With the remarkable array of digital tools available, it can be difficult to determine which ones you’ll really need, particularly when you’re in the research stage. Perhaps you only vaguely understand what “digital humanities” is. This workshop will give an overview of digital humanities methods and will address how you find the tools for you. We’ll discuss the genres and lexicon of DH from text analysis to geospatial mapping and review some of the many online resource directories and resources at The Graduate Center. Feel free to come with your project ideas and questions.

    If you have questions, reach out to me (, the GC Digital Fellows (, or, for Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (ITP), Michael Mandiberg (, or just respond to this thread.


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