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NYCDH Graduate Student Project Award (Aug 1 Deadline)

  • Hi All,

    In case you haven’t seen news of this, NYCDH is running a DH student award to support projects by the NYCDH graduate student community.

    More details here – – and reproduced below.



    NYCDH Second Graduate Student Project Award

    We are pleased to announce our second annual cross-institutional NYCDH digital humanities graduate student project award. We invite all graduate students in the city of New York to apply by August 1, 2015. First prize winner(s) will receive a cash prize of $1000. Two runner up positions will receive $500 each. All three winning proposals will have the opportunity to receive support from one or more of the many centers affiliated with NYCDH. Winners will also receive exposure on our site and through our social media outlets.

    Project proposals can be submitted by individuals or teams. In the case a team wins, the prize is to be divided among the team members equally. We are accepting proposals for projects in early or mid stages of development. Proposals will be judged by a committee selected from the NYCDH Steering Committee. The winners will be chosen based on their intellectual contribution, innovative use of technology, and the clarity of their work plan.

    We encourage prospective applicants to contact us to talk about your proposal before you submit. To set up an appointment send us an email at

    Projects may include:

    Digital Mapping
    Digital Archive or Exhibit
    A Digital Edition
    Textual, network, audio or visual analysis
    Publishing experiments
    3D technology
    A longform, media-rich narrative/argument
    Maker project
    Surprise us!

    Final proposals should be sent via email to in PDF format by August 1. The subject line should read: NYCDH Graduate Student Contest. Any questions you have about the contest should also be addressed to that email handler.

    Proposals must include:

    The name of the project leader
    The name of team members (if appropriate)
    Short bio(s)
    A brief summary of the project [max words: 200]
    A detailed description of the project [max words: 1000]
    The scope or requirements of the project [max words: 500]
    A realistic plan for execution: including a description of the labor, digital skills, funds and other resources involved. This does not mean necessarily that you have access to the resources you need, just that you are aware of what they are. [max words: 500]

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