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  • FW: New C19 Podcast Season (Emily Dickinson ep) + Join Our Team

    From: Christine Yao <christine.yao@GMAIL.COM>
    Date: September 18, 2018 at 4:07:58 AM EDT
    Subject: New C19 Podcast Season (Emily Dickinson ep) + Join Our Team
    Reply-To: \”C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists\” <>

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am thrilled to announce the start of the new season of the C19 podcast with this innovative episode on Emily Dickinson, digital humanities, and pedagogy out of Dartmouth!

    We are also seeking applications for the next round of podcast team members. We welcome applications from scholars of all ranks across a diverse range of voices and experiences who are committed to public scholarship and collaboration. Join us in the building of a transnational public platform for vibrant, dynamic approaches to long nineteenth century American studies broadly defined. Duties include developing episodes related to the biennial conference, offering support and post-production help to episode creators, assisting promotion, and helping to shape the direction and practices of the podcast as a whole. Creativity with audio and podcast format, plus a willingness to think across disciplinary, institutional, academic/non-academic lines is encouraged! Please see the attached call for further information. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

    S2E01 | Networked Connections: Exploring Emily Dickinson in 1862 | Subscribe!

    Every week in 2018, Ivy Schweitzer and her team of students at Dartmouth College select several poems and letters written by Emily Dickinson in 1862, a year of creativity “at the White Heat,” and then frame them with a summary of the news of the time, literary culture, biographical events in the Dickinson circle, a brief survey of more recent critical responses and a personal reflection. This episode explores the “White Heat” blog, where the goal is to create immersive contexts in which to read this notoriously difficult writer and to counter the mythology that Dickinson was isolated and sui generis. In fact, this was the year Dickinson “came out as a poet” to the famous literary figure, Thomas Higginson. Members of the team, including Schweitzer, Victoria Corwin, a senior undergraduate, and Joe Waring, a recent graduate, talk with Michael Amico (Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development) about their experiences blogging Dickinson in what the team regards as an experiment in public humanities and a model for doing scholarship and experiential learning in the digital age. This episode was produced by Michael Amico and Conrad Winslow. Post-production help from Doug Guerra.

    Please rate, review, subscribe. Join the conversation on social media with #c19podcast. I\’ve attached our CFP if you\’re interested in submitting a proposal. You do not need prior experience in podcasting.


    Chair C19 Podcast Subcommittee
    Christine \”Xine\” Yao
    Lecturer in American Literature to 1900, University College London
    Website | Podcast | Twitter


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