Public Group active 6 months, 2 weeks ago

CUNY Digital History Project

The CUNY History Project team will coordinate, collect, organize, and present material to facilitate the study and understanding of this unique institution and its local and global significance.


Incomplete list of more recent CUNY activisim related web content

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Incomplete list of more recent CUNY activisim related web content", saved on March 18, 2013 at 12:10 pm by Suzanne Tamang
Incomplete list of more recent CUNY activisim related web content

Facebook Groups

Students United for a Free CUNY

Occupy CUNY Graduate Center

Queens College Occupy Archive


Facebook Pages

Occupy CUNY

Hunter General Assembly


Youtube Videos

Baruch, Brooklyn College

Free University trailer




Twitter hashtags






Goldstein wedding, radical lunch


Photo Collections


OccupyCUNY News

(#occupycuny hash tag on) Flickr



OccupyCUNY News

Fiona’s news list



Org Websites

Brooklyn Student Union

Unofficial USS


Some innovative ideas for using an archive in non-traditional ways:

  1. Semantic indexing using implicit textual patterns and embedded metadata to facilitate the organization, visualization, and efficient of search and retrieval in large data collections. More on the basic idea:

  2. Quality control for crowdsourcing.  Design a new metric to assess implicit factors of CUNY community and other contributors such as level of expertise, consensus with other contributors, community rating and other qualities (similar to assessing trust or authority in a network).

  3. Use image of archive as a Knowledge Base (KB) with an application development front end to allow users to pull customized information for a specific purpose into a new site, aeaching materials or other project.

  4. Integrate components for automatically archiving and visualizing emergent media from RSS and social media sites by hashtag or other criteria.  Increasingly, stories are told and information is distributed by through tweets, citizen journalism, shared links.  Currently, social media aggregation tools for organizations exist and something could be adapted for our purpose.  A nice experiment:

  5. It might be nice to have some area of the archive dedicated for contributing datasets.  If a standard is used, and there's some money to hire a developer, the data sets can be linked to something like D3 library so that users can generate their own (simple - word clouds, bar and pie charts) visualizations.

  6. How about an istance of Crowdmap to support and collect infortation related to CUNY activism moving forward? Looks neat!


Old New Date Created Author Actions
March 18, 2013 at 4:52 pm Suzanne Tamang
March 18, 2013 at 4:11 pm Suzanne Tamang
March 18, 2013 at 4:11 pm Suzanne Tamang
March 18, 2013 at 4:10 pm Suzanne Tamang
March 18, 2013 at 4:10 pm Suzanne Tamang