Public Group active 8 years, 11 months ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


ePortfolio Subcommittee: Notes from 10-15-12 Meeting

  • Members of the CAT ePortfolio subcommittee met yesterday afternoon. Members present were Barbara Walters, Gina Cherry, Bruce Naples, Fei-Wen Pirovolikos, and Eva Fernandez.

    Our key foci were two-fold:
    1. The upcoming “Eportfolio Roundtable Exchange” at the CUNY IT conference on Friday, November 30 at 9:30 AM. The exchange brings together eportfolio experts on the academic side and dovetails with communications with Ramesh Ganeshram regarding the CIS committee. The panel consists of representatives from both community colleges and four-year colleges and from colleges using the three most popular platforms in CUNY: Digication, Epsilen and WordPress.

    Eportfolio Exchange Roundtable

    Six eportfolio leaders will provide a brief overview of eportfolio projects at the classroom, program, college and institutional levels. Discussion among panelists will address possible collaborative efforts, such as faculty development and public communication of “high impact” eportfolio practices. Goals or outcomes for the session include the development of topics for a forthcoming eportfolio conference and the sharing of resources on the Academic Commons.
    Gina Cherry, Program Manager, Technology Teaching and Learning, Hunter College
    Michele Cuomo, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Queensborough Community College
    Jennifer Sparrow, Academic Director, General Education, School of Professional Studies
    Joseph Ugoretz, Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning and Technology Macaulay Honors College
    Howard Wach, Director, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Bronx Community College
    Barbara Walters, Academic Director, Online BA in Sociology, School of Professional Studies

    2. The organization of the forthcoming ePortfolio High Impact Practices Conference on April 12, 2013, at Macaulay Honors College. The current shape of the program is posted as an attachment. A key question we are now addressing concerns the use of ThatCamp:
    Members of the subcommittee have agreed to review and assess its appropriateness for our conference in April.

    The 2013 AAEEBL Conference, will be held July 29 – August 1, 2013, Boston, MA, USA – Hynes Conference Center. The CFP should be available on Wednesday evening; I will post it to the full CAT committee and request that CAT members circulate the information to their home colleges.

    I am in my office most of the day tomorrow. If anyone wishes to provide input prior to the meeting, please give me a call.

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  • Hi all, and sorry to have missed the meeting!

    One thing I should clarify–we aren’t considering having the April conference actually BE a THATCamp. Just thinking about adapting that general model. Happy to discuss that more, of course.


    Joseph Ugoretz, PhD
    Associate Dean
    Teaching, Learning and Technology

    Macaulay Honors College
    The City University of New York
    35 West 67th St.
    New York, New York 10023
    TEL 212-729-2920
    FAX 212-580-8130
    [email protected]

    On Oct 16, 2012, at 12:00 PM, wrote:

    Thanks, Joe. No one is familiar with ThatCamp. Perhaps you will suggest some software for us. Barbara

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