Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


  • ePortfolio Subcommittee Meeting Next Week

    More than several of us were together at the AAC&U conference and Connect to Learn workshops on ePortfolios in San Francisco at the end of January. These meetings and workshops generated a great deal of ePortfolio activitity, plus not just a few questions regarding the interface of good pedagogy and technology. Let’s plan to meet briefly through GoToMeeting next week to discuss ePortfolios, questions, and issues. I have pasted below a Doodle scheduling link. Please let me know your availability. It would also be useful if you could post agenda items or topics you would like to see us address. Adam Wandt’s R&D group is addressing at least one issue of importance to us: ADA compliance. But please post other items you would like to address to this forum. I will send out an agenda when I have heard from enough folks to schedule a time. Thanks. Barbara

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  • Looks like the best time for most people is Wednesday at 4:00 PM. Gina is not available at this time, but the two of us are both available at noon tomorrow. Below is the GoToMeeting Information for Wednesday. Gina and I can plan to chat tomorrow at noon .


    1. Please join my meeting, Wednesday, February 23 at 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

    2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

    Dial +1 (773) 945-1017
    Access Code: 492-312-227
    Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

    Meeting ID: 492-312-227

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