Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


ePortfolio Committee Report: 12/16/11

  • Committee on Academic Technology
    ePortfolio Commitee Report

    Our committee meeting was scattered, with Bruce Naples, George Otte, and Bill Bernhardt providing input at different times over a two day period between December 13 and 14.

    The ePortfolio Committee presentation at the CUNY IT Conference, “ePortfolios: A Cross-campus PechaKucha Collage,” was quite well received, with standing room only. We interpret this as a sign of the growing interest in ePortfolios. Presenters included Barbara Walters (organizer), Sarah Morgano (SPS), Ann Gaba (Hunter), Louise Levine and Bill Bernhardt (CSI), Bruce Naples (Queensborough); Mike Rosson (Kingsborough); and, Joe Ugoretz (Macaulay Honors College). A special thanks to Joe Ugoretz for hosting the rehearsal session.

    The CUNY IT Conference provided the rare opportunity to convene with Digital Education and Bill Pangburn at John Jay, locking in one of two dates for the CUNY –wide ePortfolio conference in March 2013 (either March 8th or the 15th) and a commitment for vendor participation and funding. We are planning for approximately 300 participants. The conference executive committee is shaping up: Barbara Walters, Joseph Ugoretz (Co-Chairs), Bruce Naples, Bret Eynon, Bill Bernhardt. If you want to join us, or know someone who does, please speak up. We will be convening in mid-January to confirm a timeline for the conference planning and the criteria (if not the person) for the keynote. Please respond to the Doodle poll.

    The Research and Development Committee is proposing a research project on ePortfolio platforms, in coordination with the ePortfolio Committee.

    AAEEBL Annual Conference: Celebrating the Curious, Creative and Capable Learner
    Date: July 17-19, 2012
    Call for Proposals:
    Deadline: February 3, 2012

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