Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


CUNY Eportfolio Symposium

  • Dear Colleagues,

    The details for our first CUNY Eportfolio Symposium are in place and we have 67 people registered. This will bring us close to our total after invitations to CIS for tea and coffee have been extended. Thus, if you want to attend but have not yet registered, please do so before registration closes at the auto-set limit.

    I have attached a thumbnail sketch of the symposium overview. We look forward to a day of informative interaction and exchange. Hopefully I will return from Boston tomorrow about 15 minutes after the CAT meeting begins. If not, Joe and I have been in touch and he is comfortable with any discussion.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone on April 12. We will be sending out a reminder and update on April 9.


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  • CUNY Eportfolio Symposium

    Conference Date: APRIL 12, 2013
    @Macaulay Honors College


    9:00 to 10:00 Breakfast
    10:00 to 10:30 Unconference Overview (72 seats)
    10:30 to 11:30 Topical Breakouts 1,2,3 — Classroom(22) , Lecture Hall (75 people), Commons and Cabaret
    11:30 to 12:30 Topical Breakouts 1,2,3 — Classroom(22) , Lecture Hall (75 people), Commons and Cabaret
    12:30 to 1:30 Lunch and Birds of a Feather
    1:30 to 2:30 Reports from Breakout
    2:30 to 3:00 Open Mic
    3:00 to 4:00 Coffee and Cookies (Invite CIS)

    • We will post large “post-its” and request that attendees check their preferences
    • Preferences will be tallied with human interventions

    (Barbara will draft by Wednesday, March 27 – We can color print at Macaulay or SPS.)


    • Study Abroad
    • Building Student Community
    • First-Year Experience and Eportfolios
    • Capstone Eportfolios
    • Professional Standards and Licensure
    • Faculty Development
    • Integrative Learning
    • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    • MOOCs, POOCS and Eportfolios
    • PLA and Badges
    • Copyright and Intellectual Property
    • Faculty Eportfolios for Promotion and Tenure
    • Assessment
    • Eportfolio Start-Ups, Scale-Ups and What’s New
    • Eportfolio Implementation – How to get things moving


    6 moderators
    • Jennifer Sparrow
    • Bill Bernhardt
    • Lisa Brundage
    • Leslie Lieman
    • Bruce Rosenbloom
    • Howard Wach

    2 compilers
    • Sarah Morgano
    • Alyson Vogel

    All participants will receive an email reminder the week before the conference,

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