Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


CAT Meeting on Friday

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  • I hope everyone had a good spring break!

    At the CAT Meeting (or before) can we ask George for an update on our recommended changes to the IT Strategic Plan? I’m curious to know if there has been any response at all.

    If we were going to have a meeting (and I know there isn’t any time) I would love to have some discussion of my blog post here (or not really my post, but the issues–I would like it if we as a subcommittee could make some recommendations–broad, suggestive–about eportfolio assessment).

    I suppose we should announce that we’ll be in Boston in July!

    (And, privately, as a committee–I wonder about something about AAEEBL…–we’ve been told that they don’t like to have the same person presenting more than once, or even the same institution. Yet I see a few institutions and a few individuals represented over and over and over again in the program. Or maybe I’m just sour-grapes grumbling).

    I can respond to Joe’s question about the draft of IT Strategic Plan now. Figuring enough time had elapsed at the beginning of this week I asked what action was being taken in response to the CAT response to the draft. The reply (emailed, as a follow-up to the conversation I initiated) began by saying that “we will incorporate the recommended language from CAT to the IT Strategic Plan on e-Portfolio.” (The rest of the message was devoted to the section on Instructional Technology Pilots; the CAT response did not recommend specific language for that section, but provided commentary. I received text that showed deletions replaced with language that essentially lifted or paraphrased much of the commentary. I have shared that with Karrin Wilks, who has recommended some further changes I think will be accepted.)

    Good news! Thanks, George.

    Joe — Re AAEEBL — Hope you saw our session on Tuesday morning. BArbara

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