Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


  • CAT Eportfolio Subcommittee Report to CAT: 11/15/2013

    Dear Colleagues,

    The activities involved with preparation for the CUNY IT Conference and for C2L have occupied the eportfolio time allotments for many of us. I regret that I was not able to schedule a meeting prior to CAT for this and other reasons. Attached in the group files you will find all or most of the materials that were created for the Eportfolio Symposium in 2013. There was much activity in September and October that went nowhere. Our original concept was a larger conference at John Jay, for which we made all of the arrangements. This fell apart when we did not receive funding. The fall back was the April 12 “unconference,” which was very successful. Among the documents loaded in files, you will find the Eportfolio Conference Meeting notes from 11/13/12, which describe exactly where we were on this data one year ago. This year, on November 14, we are in the same place, by a shorter route – sans the cancelled plans.

    Going forward, the unconference is not a heavy lift. Below is a rough “To Do” list (we have templates for everything):
    • Send “Save the Date” emails: Wednesday, April 2, 2014.
    • Create updated invitation and new logo (November)
    • Send out invites (December, January)
    • Order flash drives (January)
    • Macaulay arrangements (contact info available)
    o Rooms (September)
    o Food (March)
    o Set-up (March)
    • Supplies such as Post-Its (March)
    • Recruit discussion leaders (March)
    • Begin fielding for topics (January)
    • Finalize attendees (Barbara – March 31)
    • Create sign-in sheets and instructions for discussion leaders

    New items:
    • Academic Commons follow-up publications and blogs
    • Blogging about topics in advance

    A key goal for our committee right now is substance.
    What is the theme?
    I’ve been attending the Disruptive Technology meetings as have almost all committee members and think we will all benefit from hearing the discussion of their proposal at tomorrow’s meeting. Perhaps we want to join up with them for “unconference” topics. We could meet briefly after the CAT meeting, perhaps as early as Monday or Monday next.

    I have attached below a Doodle schedule for possible Blackboard Collaborate sessions on Monday of next week, the 18th, or the following week, the 25th. Or, you can post to the forum.

    Thanks to everyone. Start-ups can be difficult. But this year, all of our creative thinking can be directed toward the topical headings rather than administrative details and meeting platform.

    Finally, below are upcoming eportfolio events: CUNY IT and AAC&U.

    Thursday, December 5
    2:15 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions II
    Advising Through ePortfolios: A Giant Leap Towards Student Success
    This presentation explores the unchartered territory of online advising using ePortfolios. It argues that if advisors are given access to student ePortfolios, advisors can give students more relevant and meaningful advice. Through the small step of looking at students’ ePortfolios, this presentation maintains that the giant leap of helping students succeed through proper advisement could be the visionary change that could transform student advising.
    Rajendra Bhika, Associate Professor, Business and Technology, LaGuardia Community College
    Mercedes del Rosario, ePortfolio Director, LaGuardia Community College
    Danielle Insalaco-Egan, Senior Director for Academic Advisement, LaGuardia Community College
    Bernetta Parson, Director, Transfer Services, LaGuardia Community College

    Disrupting Our Students and Ourselves: ePortfolio at the Center of Our Learning
    How does taking ePortfolio to scale disrupt an institutional culture? At Guttman Community College, ePortfolio is integral to our curriculum and our community. Starting at scale does not minimize the chaos that occurs when introducing a new technology, but, out of chaos comes innovation and inspiration. During this presentation, Guttman faculty, staff and administration share what we have learned. Guttman students will Tweet live from our campus during the presentation.
    Laura M. Gambino, Professor, Faculty Scholar for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Guttman Community College
    Chet Jordan, Instructor of English, Guttman Community College
    José Luis Morín, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Guttman Community College

    Friday, December 6
    1:00 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions II
    Igniting Program ePortfolios
    Program ePortfolios take root in academic and professional programs with solid links to objectives that are defined and articulated at national, state and local levels. Program directors and faculty integrate student-centered ePortfolio pedagogy with curriculum design and professional community building activities based on the shared goals. Students reflect upon and integrate learning as a key piece of their professional identity development. Brief presentations will ignite discussion of program ePortfolio strategies.
    Mariette Bates, Academic Director, Disability Studies, CUNY School of Professional Studies
    Leslie Lieman, Educational Technology Coordinator, School of Education, Lehman College
    Juan Morales-Flores, Director of the Education ePortfolios Perkins Grant, Behavioral Sciences. Kingsborough Community College

    Wesley Pitts,
Co-Coordinator, Graduate Program in Science Education, Middle & High School Education, School of Education, Lehman College
    Florence J. Schneider,
 Director of the Education Program, Behavioral Sciences and Human Services, Kingsborough
    Barbara R. Walters, Academic Director Sociology, CUNY School of Professional Studies & Kingsborough

    2:15 p.m. – Concurrent Sessions III
    ePortfolio Badges and Badging
    What is a badge? What is its purpose? What technologies are available for integrating badging with ePortfolio projects? How and by whom are standards for badges set? Who awards or controls the badging process? Short presentations on badging with College Quest and Mozilla will provide a context for engagement and discussion.
    Joseph Bisz, Associate Professor and LMS-Badging Project Designer, Borough of Manhattan Community College
    Francesco Crocco, Associate Professor and LMS-Badging Project Designer, Borough of Manhattan Community College
    James Richardson, Academic Director, Communication and Media Program, CUNY School of Professional Studies / Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College
    Bruce Rosenbloom, Director, Center for Excellence in Technology and Learning, City College
    Joseph Ugoretz, Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning and Technology, Macaulay Honors College
    Barbara Walters, Professor and Academic Director, Sociology, Kingsborough and School of Professional Studies

    Association of American Colleges and Universities
    Fifth Annual E-Portfolio Forum
    Saturday, January 25,2014
    E-Portfolios: Defining Practice and a Research Agenda

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