Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


  • We kick off the first meeting of the year on the heels of our highly successful CUNY Eportfolio Symposium of last year – an event that will again form a centerpiece of this year’s planning activities. For 2014, a slightly larger but focused team effort might ensure that we have follow-through on post-conference goals, such as the communication of information on the Academic Commons about individual campus activities or cross-campus collaborative possibilities. As a first step, we need to identify dates on which there are no conflicts with other eportfolio events – and a venue. I will have more information on the parameters of our planning process after a short meeting with eRepublic on Thursday afternoon.

    It would be great if people who attended the AAEEBL Conference in Boston could plan to say a few words about the conference at the CAT meeting and about any other ePortfolio news of note. Thanks.


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