Get ready! AAEEBL’s 2012 Annual Conference, ePortfolios as a Catalyst for Connections: Celebrating the Curious, Creative and Capable Learner, is only 2 ½ months away.
It’s already time to register and to make your travel and lodging arrangements, in order to join us in Boston from July 16 to 19. Here is a preview of what you can expect this year!
The full 2012 AAEEBL Program is now available at http://aaeebl.org/2012program.
You’ll notice that the 99 sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 17, 18, and 19, are grouped into “Documenting Learning,” “Assessment,” “Life-Long and Life-Wide,” and “The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.”This year, we feature themes on writing, reflection, eportfolios and dynamic pedagogy, starting with the renowned portfolio innovator, Peter Elbow on Monday morning. Noted eportfolio scholar, Barbara Cambridge will provide the opening keynote on Tuesday. Wednesday’s keynoter will be Gillie Bolton, internationally known author of Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development. Todd Zakrajzak, a popular speaker on making teaching and learning more dynamic, will keynote on Thursday. Other featured speakers include Lisa Gray from JISC in the UK who will provide an overview of research and project activities related to eportfolio pedagogies, processes, tools and technologies. This year, K-12 will be addressed by Harvard Graduate School of Education’s John Richards, co-author of the new book, Digital Teaching Platforms.
In addition to a stellar line-up of featured speakers, this year will feature other firsts that will provide opportunities for conversation and active participation. We’ll present special poster sessions and refreshments on Tuesday and Wednesday at 2:00. Also, on Tuesday, AAEEBL will hold its first members’ meeting after the sessions end for that day, and before the CT/AAEEBL reception in the Exhibit Hall.
Another new component to AAEEBL’s 2012 Annual Conference will be some shorter 25-minute “snapshot sessions” and a notable emphasis on interaction in our 50-minute and workshop sessions. All sessions will also have conveners.
This year’s conference-planning was truly an eportfolio community effort with 24 dedicated and talented Conference Committee members who shared time and expertise generously with AAEEBL starting at last year’s annual conference. We could not have put together this program without their active involvement!
Our host University this year is Tufts University, and they will provide local information to help you enjoy your time in Boston.
We are proud to work with our conference sponsors who include The Making Connections National Resource Center at LaGuardia Community College (Connect to Learning FIPSE-Funded Project), The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and NERCOMP. These colleagues enrich our program with their presence and assistance that underscores our efforts.
You can save money by joining and supporting AAEEBL. Institutional membership costs $800, but AAEEBL members can save up to $600 because they receive a $200 discount for each of the first three individuals from their member institution. (Members receive discounts at regional conferences too!) Regardless of membership, everyone is eligible for the early-bird discount of $100 until mid-June.
Ready to register now for the AAEEBL Annual Conference? The venue is stunning, comfortable, spacious, and includes a full exhibit hall featuring hundreds of booths representing technology vendors who supply the technology we all use. We co-locate with Campus Technology, and all of their sessions are also available to AAEEBL attendees.
See you in Boston, July 16-19!
Judy Batson
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