Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


AAEEBL Upldate

  • Trent Batson, Executive Director

    AAEEBL is in its third year. Following is an update on upcoming events and opportunities.

    1. Conferences. Because AAEEBL was formed within the existing eportfolio global community that has roots going back to the 1990s, AAEEBL has found a ready audience for conferences, both our annual conference in Boston in July (July 16 to 19 in 2012) and three other conferences around the U. S.
    a. The AAEEBL Southeast U. S. Conference, which has now become The AAEEBL Conference on Assessment and Eportfolios, to be held fall of 2012, date and venue to be announced.
    b. The AAEEBL Western U. S. Conference, which has now become The AAEEBL Conference on Career, Employability and Eportfolios, to be held February 28 and 29, 2012 at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. Call for session proposals now open.
    c. The AAEEBL Northeast U. S. Conference, which has now become The AAEEBL Conference on Learning, Metacognition and Eportfolios, to be held March 23 at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI.

    Each of these thematic conferences will include sessions on all aspects of eportfolios as well as sessions on the theme. See the AAEEBL Website for more information about these conferences.

    2. International Conferences. AAEEBL serves as a sponsor of two other conferences internationally and is affiliated with an additional two organizations that offer annual meetings:
    a. Eportfolios Australia Conference, just held in Perth and scheduled to be held next fall in Sydney. More information TBA. AAEEBL-sponsored.
    b. Eportfolio Workshop in the German-speaking region of Europe, just held in Freiburg in November. No plans for one next year yet, but we hope plans will emerge. AAEEBL-sponsored.
    c. ePIC. This Conference, formerly EIfEL, has been held for 10 years, most often in London. It will be held just one week before AAEEBL’s July annual conference, July 9-11, 2012.
    d. Centre for Recording Achievement residential seminar, held recently, is scheduled annually.

    3. Affiliated Conferences in the U. S.
    a. AAC&U holds an eportfolio forum on the final day of its annual conference each year, this coming one on January 28 being its third. AAEEBL sponsors this forum and participates fully.
    b. New this year: AAEEBL is providing an eportfolio track for the Sloan-C / MERLOT Conference on Emerging Technologies to be held in Las Vegas July 25-27, 2012.

    4. The AAEEBL annual Conference, ePortfolios as a Catalyst for Connections:

    Celebrating the Curious, Creative and Capable Learner, July 16 – 19. Call for proposalsnow available.
    a. Monday, July 16:
    i. Peter Elbow morning workshop, 8:30 – 12
    ii. All day K-12 institute keynoted by John Richards of Harvard
    iii. Executive Summit followed by Board of Directors’ Reception, by invitation only, sponsored by eLumen
    iv. Afternoon workshop on Eportfolios and SOTL
    v. Afternoon workshop “The Essential Eportfolio.”
    b. Posters featured on Tuesday and Wednesday: this year a major part of the conference.
    c. Interactive keynote sessions and regular sessions. (see for info on the keynote session leaders).
    d. First AAEEBL members meeting Wednesday July 18, 2012

    5. Vendor Webinar Series. This bi-weekly series, co-sponsored by AAEEBL, ePortfolio California, and EPAC, which ran all during the fall, proved to be very popular. We averaged about 40 attendees each time. This series will continue in the spring. Watch for announcements.

    6. The AAEEBL Learner. TAL is a bi-monthly online publication of AAEEBL and Virginia Tech. We now offer the opportunity for our Corporate Affiliates to place ads in TAL. TAL goes out initially to all members, but the archives are available to the world.

    7. Research.
    a. Virgnia Tech publishes The International Journal of ePortfolio, a double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The second issue will be available soon. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis.
    b. The AAEEBL Research Committee. This committee conducts the annual survey of the AAEEBL membership, is currently helping lead a FIPSE 3 year project, and will be developing a new grant proposal during 2012. The Committee also is developing an International Reference Group to collaborate with a new EU proposal being submitted this month (December, 2011). An application to join this Committee is currently being distributed (open to AAEEBL members only).

    8. Membership. AAEEBL depends on members, both corporate and academic, to continue to offer services. We thank our current members for making all of the above services possible.

    This fall, we introduced an individual membership option for people outside of the U. S. When you click on “Join now,” you will see the option to join as an individual if you have an institutional email address with a country extension, identifying you as an international member. Individual members have all the same benefits and privileges of a U.S.-based institutional member, except for conference discounts.

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