Public Group active 9 years ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


AAEEBL Regional Conference

  • AAEEBL Regional Conference at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
    November 4-5, 2013
    Registration and CFP Open
    Start with the Learner: A Student-Centered Conference
    Quick Links:

    CFP: Propose a concurrent session (deadline September 13)
    Reg: Register for the two-day conference; member rate.
    Reg: Register for the two-day conference; non-member rate
    Reg: Register for the two-day conference; student rate*
    Spon: Contact for Corporate Partners
    Lodg: Reserve a room

    * Requires full-time, current, student ID.

    AAEEBL members receive a significant discount on registration. To see if your institution is a member of AAEEBL, go to this page.
    Full-time, currently enrolled students can register at the special rate linked above.
    Corporate Partners: Friendship and Partnership Circle partners register at the non-member linked above.

    AAEEBL, The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning, the professional association for the global eportfolio community and industry, focuses on the learning values of eportfolios. Some call eportfolios a high-impact practice; we could also see it as the meta high-impact practice since eportfolios add dimensionality and depth to all currently acknowledged high-impact practices.

    This conference will be energized by student presence, comments, a showcase, and a panel presentation. We thank Virginia Tech for the work they put in to make this Conference happen. We meet in a beautiful on-campus conference center adjoining the Inn where those from a distance can lodge for a night or two. (Let the Inn know you are staying to attend AAEEBL).


    Jennifer Sparrow of Virginia Tech
    Dr. Jennifer Sparrow is currently the Senior Director of Networked Ventures and Emerging Technologies at Virginia Tech. For more than 15 years, she has championed the use of technology to engage students in the learning process. She has a passion for working with faculty to explore new technologies and their potential implementations in teaching and learning. Her current projects involve the convergence of technologies and learning spaces to create interactive and engaged learning opportunities. Additionally, she has worked with faculty to leverage technology tools in the creation of digital learning artifacts. She has been using portfolios for reflection and assessment since 1995.
    Jennifer received her bachelor’s degree from Smith College, her master’s degree from Florida Gulf Coast University, and doctorate from the University of Central Florida. She is currently on the EDUCAUSE 2014 Conference Program Committee.
    She is a part-time blogger, an infrequent tweeter, technology explorer, and struggling photographer with a biting sense of humor and not enough hours in her day.

    AAEEBL Regional Conferences help attendees forge connections with colleagues and, being smaller than our Annual Conference, allow for lots of interaction and social time.

    Hope to see you in Blacksburg
    Trent and Judy

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