Public Group active 8 years, 11 months ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


AAEEBL Conference — Reminder

  • From Trent and Judy Batson:

    Spring greetings to friends and colleagues!

    Great news: You can now register for the AAEEBL 2013 Annual ePortfolio Conference. We know many of you have been waiting for this site to open, and we apologize for the delay, but as many of you know, we do not handle registration for this particular conference ourselves since we co-locate with Campus Technology. You can find the link for registration and also lodging information at the conference landing page — Or, you can go directly to registration here —

    Lodging information is on the conference landing page noted above, or you can make your reservation right now using this link — .
    Special attendee rate: $209.00* if you book by July 12, 2013.

    The Sheraton Boston Hotel is connected to the Hynes Convention Center where the AAEEBL Annual ePortfolio Conference will take place.

    Please DO NOT call the hotel directly, as you will be redirected to AAEEBL Event Housing (See below). Also, please do not contact us at AAEEBL about lodging, even though we are always glad to hear from you and eager to help whenever we can. We are not able to assist with lodging arrangements. Those must be made through the AAEEBL Event Housing.

    All reservations must be guaranteed with a credit or debit card. Hotels will accept cash, credit or debit card payment for your stay upon arrival. If paying by check or purchase order, e-mail AAEEBL Event Housing at [email protected] for further information.

    For questions regarding housing, please contact:
    AAEEBL Event Housing
    Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm, ET
    Phone: 702-938-1491
    [email protected]
    Please watch the conference landing page for information about our best-ever line-up of Monday workshops and for more information about featured speakers’ talks. (Note: Since we are in the process of migrating to a new Web platform, we are working as fast as we can, but the posting time has slowed somewhat. Bear with us!)

    See you in Boston,

    Judy Williamson Batson ([email protected])

    PS Remember that AAEEBL institutional members gain significant discounts on all AAEEBL conference registrations from the campus-based conferences to the Annual Conference. It’s a great time to of year join AAEEBL! If you plan to join AAEEBL, you need to do so before your registration to get the advantage of savings on registration.

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