Public Group active 21 hours, 38 minutes ago


For those who commute to work/class by bike (or want to start!), this group serves as a common space in which to discuss related issues, share news and concerns, and have a united presence in CUNY. Also on Twitter and Facebook.


Biking in Brooklyn Conference, March 22

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  • Thanks for this, Sarah! Since you linked to it, the post has been updated to include location and key speakers:

    Friday, March 22, 2013
    8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
    @ City Tech (300 Jay St), Rm. 119 Namm

    Film: Racing Towards Red Hook
    History: David Herlihy, author of “Bicycles: The History”
    Enterprise: Chris Wogas, President & CEO – Bike & Roll
    Infrastructure: Hayes Lord and Ted Wright, NYC DOT
    Community: Brian McCormick, Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway
    …and more!

    Registration is free and will be opening soon! I’ll post to this thread when registration opens up.

    Please help spread the word!

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    Registration is now open! Seating is limited so sign up today:

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