PhD Candidate in Developmental Psychology. Adjunct Lecturer at LaGCC.
My name is Mark Ervin, I live in NYC, I work as a direct support professional, and I am a Junior at CUNY SPS studying developmental psychology.
Director of Student Academic Advising in Psychology at Hunter College
Faculty of Hospitality Management
Ph.D., Educational Psychology (2019)
First-year Education Psychology student interested technology utilization in the arts and sciences, and cross-subject integration in learning.
Professor of Psychology and Urban Education, jointly appointed to CCNY and the GC in 1994.
PhD Student
Ph.D., Developmental Psychology; M.S.Ed. Bilingual (Spanish) School Psychologist
Alumnus of the Environmental Psychology Doctoral Program
I/O Psychology PhD Student & Adjuct Lecturer @ Baruch
Doctoral Student in Human Development at the GC, Adjunct Instructor at CSI
Doctoral Student in Behavior Analysis Training Area
Doctoral Candidate in Environmental Psychology and Graduate Coordinator at Stella and Charles Guttman Community College