
Thinking through Quality Questioning (inquiry-based learning workshop)

Lehman College

This fall, the Teaching & Learning Commons will offer a workshop series based on Thinking through Quality Questioning: Deepening Student Engagement (Walsh, Sattes, 2011). Quality questioning engages students and teachers in two areas: asking instructors to re-examine their communication styles and asking teachers and students to design questions that support deep learning and thinking.

These hands-on workshops will include

  • small and large group discussions,
  • design and modeling of quality questions,
  • opportunities to share teaching challenges and successes, and
  • a variety of strategies and resources for classroom and online instructional use.

Handouts and electronic resources will be posted on the Lehman Connect Faculty Commons Portal post-workshops.

All faculty and instructional staff members are welcome!

Questions? Early RSVPs? Contact Gina Rae Foster,

Location Map


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