The Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance presents: CRISTINE VARHOLY “Out of Bounds: Female Spectacle in the Shakespearean City.”
CRISTINE VARHOLY, Associate Professor of English at Hampden-Sydney College, has been the recipient of the Maurice L. Mednick Memorial Fellowship from the Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges. She is the author of "'But She Woulde Not Consent': Women's Narratives of Sexual Assault and Compulsion in Early Modern London" in Violence, Politics and Gender in Early Modern England and "'Rich Like a Lady': Cross-Class Dressing in the Brothels and Theaters of Early Modern England" in Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies. Her research interests include gender, law, and sexuality in early modern English culture, and she is at work on a monograph project entitled Female Transgression and the Specter of Prostitution in Early Modern England.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
6:00 – 7:3o pm
Room 9207
This event is cosponsored with The Center for the Study of Women & Society and CUNY Academy of Arts and Sciences.