ROYA BIGGIE “Inter-Elemental Sympathies and Cross-Species Compassion: Caring for the Hybrid Body in Titus Andronicus”
The Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance
“Inter-Elemental Sympathies and Cross-Species Compassion:
Caring for the Hybrid Body in Titus Andronicus”
ROYA BIGGIE, a Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Grinnell College is also a PhD Candidate in English at the Graduate Center, and holds an M.A. from Georgetown. Her current project, “Ecologies of the Passions in Early Modern English Tragedies,” explores generative interspecies and ecological interactions. She has a forthcoming essay on representations of insects on the early modern stage in the collection Lesser Living Creatures of the Renaissance.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Room 9207
This event is cosponsored with The Center for the Study of Women & Society.