Writing For Engineering Portfolio

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Writing For Engineering Portfolio

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Writing For Engineering Portfolio", saved on May 14, 2019 at 4:24 pm by Ethan Angress
Writing For Engineering Portfolio
https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/docs/wfe-resume-project/    https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/docs/wfe-interview-report/           https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/docs/wfe-proposal-project/       https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/docs/wfe-lab-report/ https://commons.gc.cuny.edu/docs/wfe-technical-description/ Ethan Angress The Journey Through Writing for Engineering: Reflective Essay and Portfolio This essay will serve as a reflection to the growth of the knowledge that I obtained in the Writing for Engineering Course at the City College of New York. The main objective of this course was to prepare engineering and computer science majors for the writing assignments that they will need to be able to do when they enter the workforce. This knowledge is very important to my future success in the workforce. Each assignment helped to instill different values that are important in the business world. Included below are reflections on each assignment and how they helped prepare me for the real world. The first assignment of this semester was to create a resume and cover letter. The importance of having a resume and cover letter is uncountable. They are extremely necessary to have if someone would like to obtain a job. With textbook reading, which outlined how to properly construct a resume and Mr. Bubrow’s instruction, I was able to create a resume and cover letter that would be appropriate for a future employer. This assignment helped me to realize that my resume is underdeveloped, and I will need to build as my time in college goes by. Also, the comment that were given back to me after turning in the assignment have helped me to create the best resume and cover letter that is possible. The next assignment that was assigned was the interview report. The interview report turned into an amazing experience for me. The interview with my Great Uncle Alan Dubrow truly excited me for my potential future in the engineering world. The time that Mr. Dubrow spent helping the design process of the first 747 aircraft turbine engine is exactly what I would like to do in the future. The biggest Takeaway from this assignment was the advice that he gave me about college. He implored me to get advice in Mechanical Engineering based clubs and organizations on campus. Obtaining leadership roles in these groups will act as an important resume builder for me. The lab Report project was also extremely important in terms of future knowledge.  The ability to properly write a report on scientific findings will be imperative when I am doing research in the future.  Lab reports will be an extremely large part of my future as an engineer and being able to properly write them is important.  Without this new knowledge, my work could have been discredited for formatting or formality problems.  This assignment also helped give me valuable preparation for the future. The proposal project was the next project that I completed for this class. This assignment was a great look into working with a team in the real world. The process of working with a team was very enjoyable. It was fun to collaborate on a problem that we were all passionate about. It was slightly nerve-raking trying to find team member immediately, but that problem was quickly fixed. The project was enjoyable because everyone did the work that was assigned to them punctually. This project has excited me for my future working with others to create a proposal for a solution to a problem. The presentation was also valuable practice for the real world. The ability to present out proposal and field questions on it helped me to gain important understanding of how the real world will work. The final assignment of this semester was the technical description project. This assignment was a great way to practice pitching an invention to executives that were not used to the technical terms of the invention. It was very important for me to consider my audience when presenting my invention to the class. The class was unaware of some of the terms that I used to describe the turbine engine, so I had to make sure to explain its components thoroughly and simpler. It was also valuable to learn how to properly research something that I did not understand to get to a point where I can explain it to others. The ability to explain complex ideas simply will greatly help me in the future when I am dealing with someone outside of my firm. The other work that we did during class was also very important as it helped prepare us for the real world also. We created a paragraph to help introduce ourselves in a networking situation. We practiced saying it at a relatively fast speed to other people in the class in order to get it down. This helped me to be prepared in future situations when networking is necessary. Additionally, we were given lessons on grammar and word choice so that we can communicate effectively to other members of the workforce. This knowledge is valuable because people will not take you seriously in a professional environment if you are unable to effectively communicate. In conclusion, Writing of Engineering has helped me to gain valuable knowledge of what life will be like as a practicing engineer and how to properly write effectively in that profession. Important values pertaining to collaboration, reading, audience have been practiced the class and me. These values were taught to us through our main assignments and will continue to be used in my professional career.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
May 14, 2019 at 8:24 pm Ethan Angress
May 11, 2019 at 4:31 pm Ethan Angress
May 11, 2019 at 4:17 pm Ethan Angress