Rig Veda- Creation

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Moranda Lugo

World Humanities

Professor Lui



Prompt: According to the narrator, how was the universe created? How would you characterize the speaker’s tone ?


According to the author there is no way of knowing when or how the universe was created. Rig Veda states “Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation ?” (Veda, line 6-7) Those questions are to show the audience that they don’t know the answers to them. As well as to show the audience that there are people who can answer, but the results would be infinite answers, there are different beliefs and different ideas. Additionally he states “the one who looks down on it, in the highest heaven only he knows- or perhaps he does not know”(Veda, line 8-10).  The point Rig Veda is trying to emphasize is that there is no way of telling what really did happen in the “Beginning.”