Ideal Leader

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A good leader to me, means a confident individual. They are levelheaded no matter the circumstance. If a situation were to arise, they would remain resolute. They should also have faith in the people they are leading. While also not becoming corrupt with their leadership. For one’s gain.
They should use their status to benefit the people. Go the extra mile. To inspire others and show them they can do it too. While remaining humble on the accomplishments they completed. They also need to be willing to hear others out. If they are not willing to take advice from others. Other people can give the leader a new perspective.
Effective communication is a major factor. If no one is on the same page. Nothing will get done. They should get straight to the point. Avoiding time being wasted, Trust has big role in this as well. If trusted people will be more willing to follow their lead.
The leader should worry about the people he is meant to protect. No matter what. While also staying in touch with the people. If he secludes himself. People might see him as not effective.
One should also be prepared for war. But never look for one. Machiavelli was a famous Italian philosopher. Machiavelli was a realist. And believed the end justify the means. Which to an extent I agree. If the good outweighs the bad.
My ideal leader should be transparent. If I feel they are lying. I would lose faith. In their right to lead. And as previously stated it keeps everyone in the loop.