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9/28            Standards, Practices, and Efficacy in ECE [Priscilla and Evelyn]


Caroline Winterer, “Avoiding a ‘Hothouse System of Education’: Nineteenth-Century Early Childhood Education from the Infant Schools to the Kindergartens”


Maris Vinovskis, “Do Federal Compensatory Education Programs Really Work? A Brief Historical Analysis of Title I and Head Start”


NAEYC, “Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8”


Further Reading: Beth Nason Quick, “Beginning Reading and Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP): Past, Present and Future”



10/5            The Many Meanings of Progressive Education


John Dewey, from Experience and Education (This book is available as an ebook on google. There is also a copy posted to the Commons that has been procured for free on the internet and that has some typos. Focus on the preface and Chapters 1-3 as well as the first seven paragraphs of Chapter 7.)

àOn a spectrum of traditional to progressive, how would you describe your own educational experiences in early childhood, childhood, and adolescence?

àIn what ways do current debates about education reflect the divisiveness to which Dewey alludes? Think about the current terms and catchwords that define these debates.

àWhat are the pitfalls of a purely traditional or progressive approach?


Maria Montessori, excerpt from The Montessori Method from Sources: Notable Selections in Education (Ed. Schultz)


Further Reading: Herb Kliebard, “The Rise of Scientific Curriculum Making and its Aftermath”

à How do the “Progressives” that Kliebard describes differ from Dewey and from each other?


10/12                   NO CLASS (Indigenous People’s Day/Columbus Day)


10/19                   Progressive Education and Critical Pedagogy **First Paper Due 10/16. Response due 10/19**


Paulo Freire, from Pedagogy of the Oppressed

à Freire uses the banking method as a metaphor to describe education. What metaphor would you use?


Herb Kliebard, “The Rise of Scientific Curriculum Making and its Aftermath”

à How do the “Progressives” that Kliebard describes differ from Dewey and from each other?


10/26                   Human Capital Theory and Economics of Education


*Heckman and Krueger, from Inequality in America

à What investment in education, according to authors, yields the best returns?

à What is missing from the Human Capital analysis? What do they not account for?


*Bowles and Gintis, “Education, Inequality, and the Meritocracy” from Schooling in Capitalist America


*Barack Obama, from The Audacity of Hope

à How do Obama’s proposed policies reflect the language and tenets of Human Capital theory?


Further Reading: Gary Becker, “Human Capital Revisited”


Schools, Diversity, and Inequality


11/2            Social Stratification, Deviance, Social Class Inequality


Ray Rist, “On Understanding the Processes of Schooling: The Contributions of Labeling Theory”


Jean Anyon, “Social Class and School Knowledge;”


Further Reading: Talcott Parsons, “The School Class as a Social System: Some of Its Functions in American Society;” Pierre Bourdieu, “The Forms of Capital”


11/9            Race, Culture, and Environment; Culture of Power


Lisa Delpit, from Other People’s Children


Paul Tough, from Whatever it Takes


Further Reading: Jonathan Kozol, Savage Inequalities; John Ogbu and Herbert Simons, “Voluntary and Involuntary Minorities: A Cultural-Ecological Theory of School Performance with Some Implications for Education”; Michael Fabricant and Michelle Fine, “The Tension Between Promise and Evidence” + “Declaring ‘Crisis’” from Charter Schools and the Corporate Makeover of Public Education; Stephen Steinberg, “Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn’t Explain Poverty” (response to Wilson’s culturalist stance), available at <http://www.blackagendareport.com/?q=content/poor-reason-culture-still-doesn%E2%80%99t-explain-poverty>; Betty Hart and Todd Risley, “Meaningful Differences” from The Social World of Children Learning to Talk; Annette Lareau, Unequal Childhoods; NY Daily News 8/30/2013, “Success Academy parent’s secret tapes reveal attempt to push out special needs student,” available at <http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/education/success-academy-tapes-reveal-attempt-transfer-student-article-1.1441098>; Diane Ravitch, “The Business Model in New York City” from The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education


11/16                   (Dis)Ability                    


Baglieri et al., “Disability Studies in Education: The Need for Plurality”


Liz Crow, “On Our Terms” and “Disability in Children’s Literature”


George Morrison, “Children with Disabilities” (pp. 463-485) from Early Childhood Education Today (9th Ed.)

Further Reading: Daniel Losen and Gary Orfield, “Racial Inequality in Special Education”; John Richardson and Tara Parker, “The Institutional Genesis of Special Education: The American Case”; Jeannie Oakes et al., “Detracking: The Social Construction of Ability, Cultural Politics, and Resistance to Reform”


11/23                   Gender and Sexuality


Viviane Paley, excerpts from Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner


Carmen Luke, “Childhood and Parenting in Children’s Popular Culture and Childcare Magazines” from Sources: Notable Selections in Education (Ed. Schultz)


Patti Swartz, “Bridging Multicultural Education: Bringing Sexual Orientation into the Children’s and Young Adult Literature Classrooms”


Further Reading: GLSEN, “Zero Indifference: A Guide to Stop Name-Calling and Bullying”


11/30                   Bilingualism and Sociocultural Theory


Ofelia Garcia et al., “From ELL to Emergent Bilingual”


Luis Moll and Norma Gonzalez, “Lessons from Research with Language-Minority Children”


Further Reading: Joel Spring, Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality; Sonia Nieto, “Multicultural Education in Practice”


12/7            Culturally Responsive Pedagogy; Core Curricula                                            **Second Paper Due**


Gloria Ladsen-Billings, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy


Maxine Greene “The Passions of Pluralism: Multiculturalism and the Expanding Community”


E.D. Hirsch, “Creating a Curriculum for the American People”


Further Reading: Wesley Yang, “Paper Tigers: What happens to all the Asian American overachievers when the test-taking ends?” in New York Magazine, <http://nymag.com/news/features/asian-americans-2011-5/>