Alien mask

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Alien mask

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Alien mask", saved on November 22, 2022 at 9:55 am by Silvia A Lopez (she/her)
Alien mask

A scream scratching my ears making it’s way to my

Brain, poking at my paranoid side with it’s sharpness.

Calling out to me from the gloomy

Dark hallway outside my room, I begin to walk into the darkness

Energy of the fear alarms my arm hairs from their sleep.

Following the scream I dare to chase, I

Gather my terror into a ball, swallow it and

Hold my chest as I push the door.

I scream like a maniac at the top of my lungs

Jumping out of my body I fall to the floor.

Knife slashing, feet stomping, alien mask wearing murderer. I run away trying to

Look where to go.

My hands are clutching together and hoping for the best, I

Notice an aluminum bat by a dresser down below.

Oh, I know I can take this son of a bitch down now but

Please, I rather not fight!

Quickly I go inside a coat closet,

Really holding on to this bat I pray, “not tonight”

Suddenly my ears are bothered by

Terrors coming from the outside after a long silence. Hearing splatter, guts falling on the floor and horrified screams, I get

Up cautiously still gripping into my bat with some pride.

Very silent now, I tip toe my way out. The floors squeaking from old wood, I begin to

Worry. My eyes wide with the sight of

X’s marked on the wall. What is this? Blood?

Yelling, Outside I hurry

Zero people. No human in sight.


Old New Date Created Author Actions
November 22, 2022 at 2:55 pm Silvia A Lopez (she/her)