2018 fall: HPPA 552 Clinical Correlations Seminar II

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Round One Self-Assessment



Criteria Proficient (100%) Developing

(85 %)

Minimum Performance (70%) Unsatisfactory (0%) 
Content & Focus



Clearly understands content, focused upon most relevant information.  And uses best sources of evidence Familiar with content, may not be appropriately focused or does not use best sources of evidence Has some familiarity with content, but does not focus on most important elements. Sources are tangentially relevant, but not completely on target. Unfamiliar with content required for participation.
Logic & Flow



Able to present an argument or topic in a logical and organized fashion. Presents an argument or topic in a thorough way, but needs better logic or organization Presents some aspects of topic well, but lacks logic or organization in other aspects Disorganized presentation, not supporting point of view.



Identifies relationships and components to clearly support opinions or ideas Identifies relationships and components, but lacks clarity in supporting opinions or ideas Identifies some relationships and components, but lacks some important connections. Does not identify components or relationships.
Communication/Collaboration Demonstrates good listening and reflecting skills and contributes appropriately Listening or reflecting skills are good and contributes appropriately Listening or reflecting skills are minimal and contributes only minimally Does not contribute  appropriately or lacks listening and reflecting skills








I think my score will be 98.5%, because according to the criteria, my Content & Focus, Logic & Flow and Analysis are proficient, and Communication/Collaboration is developing.


I need practicing my pronunciation and presentation.