Michael Dorsch uploaded Futures Initiative Workshop & Information Session, Oct. 3 to
Futures Initiative 10 years, 6 months ago
This workshop introduces the Graduate Center’s new Futures Initiative and the peer-led structure of “teaching as learning, learning as teaching.” Bring your laptops! All fields welcome! Workshop participants will work together on a draft syllabus for the first course to be offered by F.I.: “Mapping the Futures of Higher Education” (IDS 70200, Tues. 4-6PM, Spring 2015) Team-taught by F.I. Director Cathy N. Davidson and former GC President William Kelly Course Description: http://bit.ly/FuturesEd and http://bit.ly/FuturesEd2 This is a course in experimental, interactive, engaged pedagogy, open to GC students in all fields who are teaching in the CUNY colleges and community colleges.