Public Group active 2 years, 5 months ago

Poets Together!

tuesdays 215 to 4

And permanent Zoom link:


just helllo

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  • this is great, mary ann, thank you! 

    readings: are we just reading the Derrida this week? shall we read any of the others? (i have five unread readings saved in my folder for us: derrida, camus, bal, holly, and moxey. in fact i don’t know will i get any reading done before monday at 4:30 as monday is first day of classes, teaching, and i teach all day AND i am finalizing proofs of my book soon-to-be-out and it’s a bloody mess that is driving me bonkers…)

    all that said, if you could just confirm what you’re thinking to have us read for monday and i will do my best to do so…

    look fwd to seeing everyone again!


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