Public Group active 1 year, 9 months ago

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border crisis

  • isn’t it written on the statue of liberty plaque ” Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” then why is it that trump is refusing the tired, the poor, and huddled masses by signing an order to fund a border wall?  he is weighing down on immigration more heavily and it’s affecting a lot of families. this wall will not guarantee that it will provide more defense towards immigration. this wall can actually cause harm to families since it rips them apart.  ( solution number 1: should provide data or a prototype of what the wall will actually achieve).(solution 2: see how it affects families and try to keep them together). (solution 3: ). it is understandable why people would believe the wall would work but if you look closer to the evidence this wall might not achieve what it set out to and maybe it shouldn’t. (pathos) what if it was your family being affected by this? your family

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  • Thank you Bernice. I like that so many of your solutions involve getting more evidence re: the wall proposal. It’s a reminder to us all of the value of having concrete data BEFORE jumping head first into “Do this!” or “We need to do that.”

    Once you’ve collected some of this data, I’d be curious to see what you believe an appropriate solution is, or if you believe we even have a border crisis right now between Mexico and the US.

    Thanks for your comments, building walls will not only separate families, but it is not a profitable venture Americans should encourage.The amount involved could help refugees to settle down. These refugees will later become taxpayers contributing towards the development of this great nation. The walls can never prevent immigrants from coming into this country.

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