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Ukrainian crisis, The No Good Solution.

  • Some might have forgotten but there is still a conflict happening in the Ukraine border. And it is becoming an even bigger deal after many cease fires failed. This conflict is in a weird position where no major countries want to directly support the conflict but they also don’t want to leave untouched; it has become what is called a proxy war. One of the biggest supporters of Ukraine is Canada, and what they do is send equipment and people to specialize the Ukrainian soldier to be betterĀ prepareĀ for the battles. But Ukrainian soldiers are thinking that this amounts to nothing unless their foreign supporters directly enter the conflict with Russia. Although this solution is not as simple as that, as much as the soldiers in that area would like to gain better support, direct support from major countries might just lead to a full blown war between Russian and other major super powers like the United States of America. A war between Russian and the U.S and its allies is a terrible outcome, the conflict between this two major powers could surely cause a nuclear war in which would devastate the world not just those countries. A recent study made by the IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) indicated that a nuclear war could kill up to two billion people via agricultural declines from nuclear winter. As we can see direct conflict from major powers would only cause destruction to the world and as sad as it may be we will just have to leave things unfold in Ukraine without major powers stepping in to oppose Russia.

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  • Dear Daniel, thank you for sharing facts that make us hesitate in offering direct conflict as a solution. You’re fact on how many people would die if we had a nuclear war is a jarring one. As activists, what do we propose to solve this issue then? If direct conflict can’t work, what will?


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