Public Group active 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Library Technology Subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.


Next meeting: December 13, from 2 pm – 4 pm, Queens College

  • The next meeting of the Library Technology Subcommittee will  be Tuesday, December 13, from 2 pm – 4 pm. We will meet in the library at Queens College.

    Please feel free to suggest agenda items. So far, I’ve got:

    • Preliminary analysis of survey results about library logins
    • Review draft of library technology subcommittee
    • Elections next spring for chair
    • CUNY-wide library news

    This meeting is open to any CUNY faculty or staff member (you don’t have to be a librarian) who is interested in the intersection of libraries and technology at CUNY. Feel free to share this invitation widely across CUNY.

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