Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Library Technology Subcommittee of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology

A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.


Help finalize the report on the guest printing survey

  • I took a stab at summing up the parts of the survey about guest printing options in CUNY libraries. We should try to put together a quick report that can be shared with the Council of Chief Librarians and with the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology.

    In this Google Drive folder, you should be able to find an Excel spreadsheet with the raw survey data and the data cleaned up. You’ll also find a brief bulleted summary report of the survey. I’m thinking this brief report may be good enough and am eager to hear other’s thoughts.

    I’d like to get this all wrapped up by mid-September so it can go to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology before it’s next monthly meeting.

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  • I think the shorter bulleted report is fine to show them. But I wanted to let you know that there’s a discrepancy in the list of how many libraries use Pharos, PaperCut and OCS. The bulleted list says
    “Systems used by libraries that do let visitors print
    ○ Pharos (6 libraries)
    ○ Papercut (3 libraries)
    ○ OCS (4 libraries)

    But the excel sheet says there are 7 using Pharos and 4 using PaperCut.


    Thanks for catching that, Mickey! It should be 7 for Pharos, 3 for Papercut, and 4 for OCS.

    In advance of tomorrow’s meeting of the Library Technology Subcommittee meeting at Lehman College, I thought it would be useful to share the latest version of the guest printing report. As suggested at our last meeting, I added a narrative intro portion that will help frame the list of findings.

    If you’re unable to make it to the meeting, feel free to make suggestions here in this thread on the CUNY Academic Commons or use the commenting feature in Google Docs to append your comments to the document itself.

    In looking at the document, the data is still interesting but how many of you have printing issues with the pharos software and the new Xerox copiers? At BCC we continue to experience a lot of issues with our new copiers that replaced the Konica Minolta copiers to the point where students have gone to our college SGA and Student Development departments to complain; what is interesting here is that many of the students complaining have really become belligerent to our staff on this issue; while are scheduled to meet with SGA, we have been in constant contact with Information Technology on this issue which is multi-layered.
    AN SGA representative has indicated to our department that they want to meet with us to ascertain what the issues are as they have received numerous complaints. How well do each of you work with your Information Technology departments on issues like this one?

    LaRoi Lawton
    Bronx CC

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