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Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



Digital Humanities and the Performing Arts/Call for Panelists

  • Theatre Library Association – Call for Panelists
    2012 Annual Conference of the American Society for Theatre Research – Theatre Library Association
    Nashville, Tennessee, November 1-4, 2012


    The performing arts have had a long, distinguished tradition of practice, recently enhanced by creative use of emerging technologies. Diverse collections representing print, electronic, multimedia, visual resources, and ephemera support our research. While Digital Humanities is currently a frequently discussed topic, how does this affect libraries, archives, museums, teaching and learning, and new scholarship in the performing arts?
    We invite panelists to respond to the following questions:
    • How should we define or approach Digital Humanities for the performing arts?
    • How can innovative application of Digital Humanities support teaching and learning of performing arts and cultural history?
    • How do librarians, archivists, and curators promote productive, collaborative relationships with scholars, researchers, and students?
    • How should libraries and archives adjust traditional practices of curation and access?
    • How can libraries, museums, and archives consider and respond to shifts in scholarship to remain relevant?
    • How are we reimagining the library and archive?
    • How can we apply new developments in arts technologies to reinvent research and scholarship?
    • How will emerging technologies impact existing publishing models?
    • How should we educate future professional librarians and archivists in Digital Humanities: technologies, applications, teaching and learning requisites?
    • What kind of information technology skill sets should we develop to adapt to these transformations?

    Please submit a 200-word statement in response to one (or more) of the above questions by April 15th to:
    Nancy Friedland, Chair, Conference Planning and Vice President, Theatre Library Association
    Send submissions by email with subject line TLA Working Session to:

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  • Thanks so much for posting this CFP (which I couldn’t find on either the TLA or ASTR sites). I’m sorry it’s in Nashville at a time where I know I’ll need to be in NYC for teaching.

    Rather than a single event, it would be so appropriate to establish a continuing digital humanities “conversation” focused on the performing arts. And it could be a great way to start/maintain a conversation between institutions that have (or hope to have) a digital humanities departments.

    i totally agree Bob- maybe we can start some sort of Meetup for those of us who want to get together on this conversation?

    Apologies for taking so long to get back to you Cynthia. Yeah, it would be good to continue this conversation. I posted this CFP on the digital humanities list of ACRL and although the content interested subscribers, the fact that it was performing arts didn’t thrill them. It would be great to have more people network on this topical interest.

    I’m interested in being a part of this conversation; my own disciplinary background is in film studies, and performing arts librarianship has been on my radar of career possibilities for some time. I’m still new to a lot of this, but would like to contribute in any way I can.


    I’m also interesting in being part of this conversation. If there are future meetings or activities, I would love to be aware of them. I’d like to meet up with others who share my research interests in performance art and performance studies.

    We could start our own conversation (and nice to see you also here, Roxanne). I often think of my own discipline – music – as being among the most antediluvian. It’s not really–there have been computing/music projects going back to the early 1970s–but they are not widely known or used, so their effect on the discipline is rather minor. People’s minds are generally in the direction they have always been, and not widely open to new ideas.

    What is needed, I believe, is some kind of “show and tell” (forum or article) displaying what could be done in the field if one applies new techniques.

    so i’ve setup a meetup group for anyone who wants to continue this conversation:

    please sign up and rsvp for our first meetup next Thursday, 4/29!

    hi everyone- please note that the first meetup is for next Thursday, 3/29. Apologies for the confusion!

    Well, a meetup is a nice idea if everyone can make it. I can’t make this one – I tend to have a busy schedule both day and evening. Perhaps the way to go would be to first see how many people are interested and to move on from there in a virtual situation.

    hi bob, we are getting some folks signing up to join, so I hope you join the group, even if you can’t make it to the first meetup. it’s a good way to get the ball rolling, and seeing where it leads. it can help provide those of us interested in performing arts and DH with a forum outside of this general DH list to continue the dialogue, and brainstorm ideas.

    Bob, I like your idea of a show & tell. As a start, do you think we could do something with a Zotero group? As we come across projects/literature we could add them to a group bibliography–this could jumpstart some brainstorming…

    Hi Roxanne – I like your idea, although I have issues with Zotero. Zotero began as a Firefox extension – and thereby broke rule #1 of open scholarship: avoid software specific creations. (I tend to favor Chrome which doesn’t relate well to Zotero even in “compatible” mode.) I’d rather chose something that everyone will have no problems accessing – maybe there’s bookmarking software that people like? Something which everyone could add to and access. (I used to use Delicious but now use Diigo. Perhaps there’s something else out there that’s really attractive.)

    there’s also pinboard which i just got turned onto recently-
    which could be a useful alternative to delicious.
    btw bob, we’ve got a sizable # of folks signing up for the meetup- i’ve just emailed folks there about sharing ideas for a “show & tell”- it’d be great to have your input there as well!

    Hi all,

    I am fairly recently added to this conversation, around digital humanities and the performing arts, and it seems that the Meetup group has been taken over (?) by some kind of biz/producer-oriented things, and the latest meetup (about NYC MBAs) seem to have very little to do with the conversation that was intended.

    Is anyone interested in continuing this conversation, by chance? I’d be delighted to be part of organizing this effort, if there would be interest?

    Kalle Westerling
    Ph.D. Student, the Theatre Program
    The Graduate Center, CUNY
    Futures Initiative Fellow

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