Public Group active 5 hours, 54 minutes ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



First CUNY DHI meeting of Spring: Wednesday February 9th 6:30-8:30pm: “DIY DH”

  • The first meeting of the semester will be on Wednesday February 9th from 6:30pm-8:30pm in Rm 8301 at the Graduate Center.

    We’re proposing “DIY DH” as this semester’s theme. A great line-up of speakers is in the works, but we thought it would be good to start by exploring how members of the group are, in fact, doing DH themselves. According to the survey results you agree, with almost everyone looking for practical discussions on how to use DH methods in research and the classroom, and others offering to present their work.

    So we’d like to use the February 9th meeting as an opportunity for members to share and discuss their work with the group. (It would be great to hear too from those who attended the MLA and THATCamps.)

    These would be short, informal presentations, with plenty of time for Q&A.

    Please sign up below if you’d like to present, including your topic of course (we’ll allocate the time based on how many people sign up).

    And a reminder that all are very welcome in the group, beginners and experts alike. We look forward to seeing you on the 9th.

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  • Thanks for getting this thread started, Charlie. Like you, I’m looking forward to discussing our plans with the group and getting input on what we should be doing this semester.

    I’d be happy to talk about the digital humanities sessions I went to at #mla11 and the discussions that have followed the convention in the press and in DH blogs.




    I’d like to talk about a few wordpress plugins that are useful for course blogs. I’d also like to open a discussion about ways to create a paperless classroom versus times when paper might be necessary. If there will be a projector I can do an online show and tell.

    Or I could do a “demo” of Data for Research, a new humanities article search and data tool, which is more along the line of what I talked about at the MLA. I’m more inclined to do that although it might take longer.

    Either one of these, or perhaps both, would be great, Sarah — thanks. I’m fairly certain that we’ll have projection equipment at the meeting.

    Agreed, thanks! And yes, there will be a projector, apparently, though (weirdly) not a computer. Not that there’s ever a shortage of those at our meetings… So presenters can either bring their own or borrow, whatever works best.

    I’ll be there, and in the spirit of DIY DH, I can talk a little about the off-the-shelf tools we’ve used at Macaulay in order to do some (IMO) pretty great digital work.

    This is a request for assistance/collaboration. I’m in urgent need to communicate with someone in CUNY who is knowledgeable in website developing/construction and/or knowledgeable in web-based digital technology to consult about a possible collaboration in a grant-proposal for the creation of a Spanish paleography teaching website or web-based tool, ideally an online interactive instrument that will show digitized copies of sixteenth-century Spanish archival documents and, through links to typed transcriptions, sound recordings of pronunciation, and supplementary textual information and images, will gradually teach how to read the usually arcane handwriting styles used in Spanish (and Latin American) documents of the period.

    Somebody recommended I reached out to the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative Group for the above mentioned purpose. This is my first visit/message ever in CUNY Commons and I am still very unfamiliar with the functions and features of this system/network. I don’t even know whether this is the right venue to submit an S0S message like this. So members please forgive me if this constitutes a freshman’s breach of protocol of some type. I know there is a February 9th meeting of the DHI Group that I intend to attend, but if anyone could contact me before then with suggested names to contact about the project I’m trying to design/conceptualize for the above mentioned proposal, it will be greatly appreciated. I am facing a deadline on February 23 to submit a Start-Up grant proposal.

    Anthony R. Stevens-Acevedo
    CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College
    Telephone: 212-650-5453 (direct), 212-650-7496 (general).

    Hi Anthony –

    I think it sounds like a great project and you’ve definitely not committed anything like a faux pas by posting here. Happy to have someone working on a digital humanities project reach out to us!

    You might want to check out Omeka – – as a tool to support your project. It’s an open source platform to build collections and showcases.

    Also the digital research tools (DiRT) wiki describes other tools to build collections – – which could suit your needs depending on your goals.

    With a lot of these tools you can use them on your own with a little help from IT to support the platform or an alternative hosting solution. But many of the tool’s websites will also point you in the direction of forums to post requests for developers.



    I will be teaching at that time, but if you schedule a meeting for another day during the semester, I would like to talk about the use of OJS at the Graduate Center.

    If there’s room for one more, I’d like to talk about the digital projects that have been taking place at the Mina Rees Library at the Grad Center using Omeka software.

    Hi Cynthia – thank you, that would be great!

    And Marcos, thanks, absolutely we can do that.

    Anthony – another place I believe you might go for project advice is the New Media Lab (there are some NML people here in this group):

    If you’re interested in going the Omeka route of course we now have Cynthia talking with us on Wednesday, and there’s an Omeka group right here on the Commons (

    You might also want to check out their blog post “Digitization in the Real World” re the book of the same name (it includes case studies of Omeka projects done by group members at Queens College).

    Hi Anthony – if you are interested in pursuing Michael’s suggestion to use Omeka, let me know and we can talk. I have done some work in Omeka and I know others who have done some too. And there’s an Omeka group on the Commons, if you want to join. There’s a lot of new stuff going on at Omeka now.

    A big thank you to everyone who came out last night, to our presenters, and to Andrea Vasquez for hosting us at the New Media Lab. Many apologies to anyone who missed the change of room – we had projector problems (bad!) and a lot of people (good!) so had to relocate.

    Presenters – would you mind posting here links to the resources you mentioned? Perhaps with some brief annotation for those who didn’t make it to the meeting?

    And thanks again to all for getting the semester off to such a great start. Stay tuned for news about the next meeting, which will be on Wednesday, February 23rd, 6:30-8:30pm.

    This was my list of WordPress tools/plugins for educators:

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