Public Group active 10 months ago

Electronic and Hypertextual Literature Organization

This Organization seeks to analyze not only the media that enable new works of Electronic Fiction and Hypertext to be published, assimilated, and distributed along various technologic channels, but the content and import of particular works in question. The EHLO will additionally seek to lobby for speakers in the broader fields of Digital Humanities and Electronic Pedagogy to lecture at the Graduate Center, as well as generally encourage discussion about the current state of media-liberated scholarship and pedagogy in addition to the GC’s role within such a continually evolving cultural and academic landscape.


EHLO status – and, unrelated, the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative’s first meeting

  • Hi there, just wanted to share a couple of things.

    First, Casey (our leader) let me know that he’s had to take a leave of absence this semester. But he doesn’t want the group to languish in his absence. So – how about we arrange a meeting?

    Some of us met last year and decided to read House of Leaves over the summer. Did anyone accomplish that feat? I didn’t – but if everyone else did, by all means we could talk about that. Alternatively… we could pick something/some things from the Electronic Literature Organization’s directory?

    What do you think? What days/times would work – e.g. a Friday afternoon at the GC before the English department Friday Forum?

    And, in other news, just wanted to make sure that you know about the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative. We’re having our first meeting this Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010, from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Graduate Center, Room C198.

    It would be lovely to see the members of this group there – seems like it should be a natural fit. And there’ll be wine and cheese! 🙂

    Check out our forum for details of the readings.

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  • Hi everyone!

    I definetely agree with the idea of a meeting, it’s the best way to give this group a start.

    I must confess my House of Leaves is becoming a House of Dust day by day lying on my bedside table. It is a really challenging reading which according to me requires much more than some minutes before falling asleep – that is, when I usually have some time to read for pleasure and not for studying.

    I am a new student here at Cuny and even newer in your group, but if I can suggest something I’d say that Grammatron by Mark Amerika could be of some interest, especially his Hypertextual consciousness (“a companion theory guide”). I have happened to found it while I was looking for some material for my thesis, I had never heard about him and Avant-Pop movement but I think it is really fascinating.

    Otherwise of course the ELD contains lots of interesting works, both new and “masterpieces” (if we can talk about masterpieces in such a young field of culture as Electronic Literature).

    But anyway, I am glad to be a part of this group and I hope it will grow and involve more and more GC and Commons members.

    See you on Wednesday!

    I did read House of Leaves–it’s on my Orals Exam list–so I’d be in for discussing that. This upcoming Friday I have a meeting at 3, and usually teach at QC on MW–otherwise, I think Fridays probably work best for such meetings.

    Hi there – so, from brief discussions after the DHI meeting, I don’t think we have a quorum for House of Leaves, sadly, we are lame. (Maybe we can take it up again next semester, to give people a chance to read it?) How about we follow Beniamina’s suggestion of Grammatron? And if someone wants to suggest another hypertext for comparison, that could be good – e.g. David, do you have any on your orals list? Ideally, something short – but, ah, how can you tell…? 🙂

    Friday afternoons seem to work for people, but GC English dept forums are at 4pm, so how about 2pm? Is the 8th too soon? Would people prefer the 15th? Let me know and I’ll reserve us a room, assuming the GC works for everyone?


    Hi everyone!

    Friday at 2pm can work for me. Either 8th of 15th it’s fine.

    Hope to see you soon!

    Great! Actually, the 15th works better for me (forgot an appointment)…

    I would like to attend, as I couldn’t do it the first time you met. The 15th is impossible for me, because I’ll take part in a major event in my program (an Homage to the poet Julio Herrera y Reissig).

    I would like to propose for discussion the Dossier #2 on Perl Poetry of the journal I’m publishing at the New Media Lab:

    I would also like to point to an event I think we should attend to:
    Nov 19, Fri, 2-4PM, James Gallery: speaker Kenneth Goldsmith
    This is organized by the Center for the Humanities, it’s part of the seminar “Aesthetics of Amateurism: Deskilling”. Kenneth Goldsmith is behind UbuWeb, one of the major repositories of digital art.

    Hi there Marcos – can you make the 8th? If that works for you and others I can change my plans.

    I could do it the 8th, but I think it would be better if we do a meeting after the 15.

    So, how about Friday October 22nd, 2pm, for our first meeting? We’ll take up the readings suggested by our members:
    Mark Amerika’s Grammatron – (suggested by Beniamina)
    The Virtual Poetry Project’s Dossier #2: Perl Poetry – (suggested by Marcos)

    I’ll get us a room at the GC.

    The 22nd works perfect for me.

    For me, too. See you there!

    Hi there – our meeting room for this Friday (10/22) is 3307 in the Grad Center (Nancy Silverman, the APO for English, kindly booked it for us). We have it from 2:00pm-3:30pm, but she said we’d probably be fine to stay till 4pm if we need to. So see you there!

    And hi to our new members – hope you can join us. In case you haven’t seen the post, for this meeting we’re reading:
    Mark Amerika’s Grammatron – (suggested by Beniamina)
    The Virtual Poetry Project’s Dossier #2: Perl Poetry – (suggested by Marcos)

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