Public Group active 9 hours, 57 minutes ago

CUNY Learning Mindset Modules Group

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2.2 Discussion Board I: Reflection (Required to earn certificate)

  • 💬  Discussion:

    • What is the purpose of higher education? What is its value? What are your thoughts on requiring students to take General Education courses outside their chosen field of study? What purpose does it serve? What is its value?
    • What are your thoughts on the sentiment that some students bring motivation with them into their learning & some do not; where does the responibility lie when it comes to student motivation? What is the relationship between student engagement & student motivation?
Viewing 3 replies - 61 through 63 (of 63 total)
  • Higher education serves multiple purposes – as already mentioned – gaining skills and knowledge – understanding different perspectives; it can also serve as professional development.

    The purpose of higher education is to expand one’s world and mind to examine ideas and have experiences one would not get in daily life. Taking GE courses is a key component of higher ed since these course allow students to go beyond their comfort zones and learn about subjects which they would not ordinarily choose to to learn about.

    Students must bring their own intrinsic motivation to their education. Even a tiny bit of motivation can help a student grow personally and professionally. Those who are not motivated need to find what does motivate them, which includes taking a gap year or time away from school to figure this out. The responsibility for motivation is mostly on the student, but teachers should foster that motivation and engagement.

    For me, the purpose of higher education is to allow students to grow and to be a better human. Students are not only to be trained in their fields for their future career, but also have a broad sense of knowledge and practice in various disciplines, which is the value of General Education. This in turn may build interesting connections to the knowledge they have in their fields.

    Students with motivation will probably have better engagement with their learning. It is important for students to figure out their motivations, where their interests lie, as this is one of the important tasks in college. Instructors may guide students to better figure these out.

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