Public Group active 2 hours, 36 minutes ago

CUNY Learning Mindset Modules Group

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1.7 Supportive Messaging (Required to earn certificate)

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  • Thank you so much! AI is the perfect topic for this thread.

    You may also want to do warm-ups, homework, or test preparation by having students find errors in incorrect work from previous years. They can explain errors (in thinking or computation) and correct them. They can also clarify if it was a logical error or a silly error and “give advice” to the student as to how (or what) they could study better for the future.

    I can see several things to do and/or aspire to. First, I plan to revise the intro videos for my courses so that they highlight growth mindset more explicitly, particularly how important it is for their success in this class and beyond. Second, I plan to add more opportunities for student to reflect their learning process. This can be done as part of the SMART Goal process or in any assignment. I’ll have to think about where these moments fit best–or have students make choices about when they might want to reflect on their learning. Lastly, I plan to continue to explore giving feedback that deemphasizes grading in favor of encouraging feedback that focuses on what they have done, what the next steps are, and what they need to do to get there.

    I will show a video or some other module to my students introducing the growth mindset concept, maybe the Pearson one we viewed. I will also incorporate more growth mindset messaging into my intro video, first class, and throughout the semester. I will continue to tell students that we learn together and from one another, and that we all have something to contribute.

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