Public Group active 6 months, 1 week ago



This group is for potential events, publications, conferences informed/designed by SPCUNY students and faculty!

Our first project is to make a journal! Please feel free to click around and check out the various conversations that are occuring to make this happen.

xoxoxo- ode/ students from SPCUNY 23-24′ cohort!



A Journal?

  • There is dream work happening in real time to create a journal that captures our experiences together as part of SP CUNY. This forum exists to transition this dream into a formalized plan.

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  • Hi Diane and all folks who are interested in an SPCUNY journal,

    I’d love to support you in making this happen. An idea that Diane discussed with me is to produce one journal issue per year, i.e. an issue for each cohort. I think this sounds terrific.

    Some things I offer as questions for consideration:
    –How will folks be invited to contribute, and in what kind of format (i.e., what media and length of piece, etc.?…may be interesting for now just to see what folks propose and work from there)
    –Is there any kind of theme, either in the overall issue or in the way contributions are organized, beyond serving as a kind of portrait of the current cohort?
    –How will editing duties be handled?

    On my end, I’m thinking of how SPCUNY can start the coming academic year (2024-25) in a supportive way for fellows to integrate journal contributions into their overall SPCUNY cohort year experience (and of course alumni involvement is also a possibility!), offering things like workshopping and writing support, etc.

    To move the project forward now, with this year’s cohort as, essentially, the founders of the journal project, I suggest starting with what is feasible (given time & energy constraints) — and also hopefully enjoyable! — to get the momentum rolling.
    One option is to start the journal sometime at the end of this semester (or in the summer) as an event to launch the SPCUNY journal, and for folks who’d like to contribute something now, we could do something like create a printed zine of writings that can be distributed at the launch events, which could also feature readings from or conversations with the contributors, perhaps. There are a few places that could host an event like this — one of them is the Creative Time HQ on 59 East 4th St. SPCUNY could provide food at the launch event, and Creative Time has offered to donate beer, as well.

    Let me know your thoughts and your dreams for the SPCUNY journal!
    In support,

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