Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Group for Group Admins

A meta-group for all of the Commons’ group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will also provide a way for us to get feedback from you about features you’d like to see added and ways we can improve the Group functionality.


Document Library Pro

  • Are there functionalities like what is in the Document Library Pro( plugin on the Academic Commons? The plug-in is not free. If not, could there be?

    It would help to manage documents and allow users to access, read, download documents.

    I would also like to know if it is possible to embed an e reader to read ebooks on the site? Thanks.


    Van Bich T Tran

    Open Educational Resources and Open Access Adjunct Librarian

    Library Department

    La Guardia Community College

    [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>


    31-10 Thomson Avenue, Room E201-Faculty Suite

    Long Island City, NY 11101?

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • By e-book reader, I am thinking of the Barn2 plug in for ebooks.

    See https://barn2.comf/wordpress-ebook-plugin/

    Hi – For premium plugins, the Commons policy is to have your organization pay for a single use license, and then activate the plugin on your site only. If you want to go this route, let us know.

    You might also consider connecting your site to a group. Groups have a library feature that I think is similar to your needs. See

    If you need help connecting your site to a group, first create the group, and follow these instructions:

    I will put in a request for Barn2

    Hi – Can you clarify which ebook reader plugin you want? Is it also a premium plugin? Thanks.

    Hi Scott,

    We do not need the Library premium plugin right now.  We have a group connected with the site so I will explore the Group folder to see how it might be used.

    The ebook reader is also a premium plugin.  I will figure out how to do something like it without the plugin.

    I have been going through the sites on Academic Commons to see if someone has done something similar to what we are interested in, but it is taking time and if anyone can let me know how they have displayed books for reading and download that would be helpful.   I have seen some book covers with a link to the book, and I have done this on our site.



    Hi Van,

    You might also be interested in checking out CUNY’s installation of
    Manifold — — which offers a responsive
    web-based reader for ebooks and many options for course use, including
    public or private reading groups for annotation. If you or others would
    like a demo to see how CUNY students and faculty are using it in their
    courses, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.



    Thank Matt,

    I am familiar with Manifold and it is a great platform. Can it be embedded

    Van Bich T Tran

    Open Educational Resources and Open Access Adjunct Librarian

    Library Department

    La Guardia Community College

    [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>


    31-10 Thomson Avenue, Room E201-Faculty Suite

    Long Island City, NY 11101?

    Hi Van,

    The only way Manifold texts could be embedded would be through an iFrame. While it is technically possible to set that up, I think it would not lead to a good user experience given the importance of responsive design in Manifold and the fact that several features, like annotation and reading groups, require log in. But it is something we could potentially look in to if there is interest.



    I agree that it is better to not embed. Just checking the possibility.  Thanks!

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