Public Group active 4 years ago


Each week several students will be assigned to pose questions based on the book read and moderate the discussion.


Week Seven

  • Post/link your slide of Audience, Summary and Theme here.  Then provide a short recommendation of the book for your classmates.

    For this assignment, it is expected that you review ALL of your classmates’ submissions and provide feedback to all.

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  • Hi Connor,

    The Book Thief was given to me by a friend after I gave her some books and it is still sitting on my bookshelf.  After your recommendation, I will pick up this book and start reading it!  It’s my favorite genre – historical fiction. After I am finished with this book, I will donate it to my classroom library.  The story line sounds really interesting.

    Hi Rubina,

    This book sounds like a really great way to start discussions surrounding diversity.  This is so important to bring up and I like how students will remember a story about diversity rather than a one time discussion.  I also like how the book is accessible to so many age groups.  It seems to be a high interest story.

    Hi Heeji!

    I definitely want to read this book!  Based on your descriptions, I think it’s a book that I will enjoy reading.  The Spanish Civil War is not studied that closely in school and personally speaking I would like to learn more.  Themes of courage need to be discussed regularly in the classroom because when we want to make a change to ourselves or even society, we need courage.

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    I love your AST!  It’s really well organized and visually appealing.  I have had my eye on this book for a while.  I was always curious about Joana while reading Between Shades of Gray.  I wondered if she actually knew what was going on with Lina and her family since they were so close.  I enjoy reading books from different perspectives!  My reading list is getting so long!!

    Hi Rachell,

    Poetry is usually not my strong suit and I usually shy away from it, but based on your descriptions in your AST, it sounds like I might have to reconsider.  I have so many students from the Dominican Republic and I think that they might enjoy a book like this.  The themes mentioned sound like a great way to create a space for students to express themselves and feelings.  Thank you for sharing!

    Hi John,

    I appreciate your honesty about this not being an academic type book. However, my high school offered a Forensics class so maybe they could use this book in that class. Your summary gave just enough information to get me interested, without giving away too much detail.

    Hi Kait,

    Oh wow. This book looks really interesting, but intense. I think I am still recovering from Between Shades of Grey, but maybe I’ll read this one in the future since I am still curious about Joana. I loved the images you used on your slide and I thought your headline and summary were great!

    Hi Rachell,

    I loved loved your ATS. I thought the images you used were so different and creative! I also like how you mentioned that your students loved it too. Did you read it with them? Or did you mention you were reading it and a few of them mentioned that they had also read it?

    Hi Connor,

    I thought the way you formatted your ATS was very creative! I also like how you not only described the plot of the book, but you also mentioned the length. That is an important factor for many people when deciding to choose a book to read, so I think it is great you included it.

    Hi Anthony,

    I have been wanting to read this book and after reading your recommendation and ATS I definitely will. I thought your headline was very creative and was a great lead in to your ATS. This book seems to contain everything I usually look for when choosing a book to read and with break next week I probably will read it.

    Hi Rubina,

    This sounds like such an interesting, if not a bit odd, plot for a story. A robot and animals? Not something you read about everyday. Nonetheless, I can understand how diversity is a common theme throughout the book, just by reading your summary.

    Hi Aisha,

    Unfortunately I do not have access to see your ATS, but I was able to get a grasp of the novel from your recommendation. I actually saw this movie in the movie theatre and I really disliked it. However, I was young and I did not want to go see it in the first place and it was long, so I was not necessarily in the right mind set. I am curious, if now that I am older, I will appreciate the novel more than I did the movie.

    Hi Anthony,

    I actually watched the movie and it was amazing, I’m sure the book is even better! I think this is an excellent novel for teenagers because it opens their eyes to real-life situations and illnesses teens their age experience. It would help them realize that they should appreciate what they have and not worry about little or necessary things, since others are going through worse situations. I’ve seen that these new generations have little empathy, so I think this is a great book to teach that and have them build those emotions. The relationship aspect will also engage them since it talks about first love!

    Hi Rachell,

    Your AST looks amazing! It really gave me a clear understanding of the novel and I am dying to share it with my students. I think this is definitely applicable for my students because I have a few students from Dominican Republic and they can identify with the character. Likewise, it seems like the novel explores many themes teens experience in school and at home. It teaches them how to use poetry as an escape and this may be useful for some of our students who feel hopeless or are having negative thoughts.

    Hey Ariana,
    Thank you! I definitely think it’s a great book to show that people can come together despite their differences! 🙂

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