Public Group active 1 year, 11 months ago

Poets Together!

tuesdays 215 to 4

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spring semester: surrealisms…

  • ?hello dear friends, this to extend and clarify our reading group

    Mary Ann Caws

    so it isn’t just Present surrealisms as a topic, but what kind of writing or thinking or reading do you find relevant in whatever field, since for me, surrealisms goes so far to include so much, and am interested in your thinking!

    and let me know, and i will figure out to whom we should be speaking and with whom thinking: i have a lit but will be refiguring if I hear from you, as I have from several…
    warmly (as the snow comes) to each, Mary Ann

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  • Thank you for the Rukeyser poem. I’m interested in surrealism as a stream of historical transformations. The relationship between surrealism and the Gothic that Breton sketched early on; and surrealism and the Celtic belief about which Proust writes in Swann’s Way. “The souls of thousands whom we have lost are held captive [in a plant, stone, some inanimate object] thus effectively lost to us until the day (which to many never come) when we happen to pass by the tree or to obtain possession of the object which forms their prison.” When and if these things call out (the madeleine, uneven paving stones of St. Mark’s, train whistle), and are recognized, they are, according to Proust “delivered by us, they have overcome death and return to share in our life.”  Hmmm.


    so great an answer am printing it out! the gothic and the celtic ! wonder if everyone on the list (i don’t always know who is and isn’t but this might be my very faint swan song as any discussion leader, am just happy being with us all) did they all get it, i guess so, but don’t know. who WE are, love to you and all your family and if you still have a bird, love to them (to not specify!), me

    Mary Ann Caws

    In this time of loss and plague, I love this possibility , as expressed by
    the Proust quote , Pat.

    He is of course also describing the act of writing, of recording and

    Yes– the other Patricia–the the spirit of the object and the word held “captive” until released or animated by chance, as with surrealists and writers.

    Add: the spirit of the object, the person, the word…

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