Public Group active 5 days, 22 hours ago


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Part-time Job: Research Project Visualization Manager (Apply by 11/15)

  • Seeking Research Project Visualization Manager

    Apply by November 15, 2020

    The GC Wealth Project, a central project of the Graduate Center’s Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality, is a multi-year effort aimed at expanding access to current research and information on wealth inequality, especially high-end inequality. We are seeking a new team member to oversee the final phases of the development of the Wealth Inequality Dashboard Project, a collaboration between the GC Wealth Project research team and Lovelytics. This dashboard will reside on the Stone Center website:

    Using Tableau, Lovelytics is creating templates for organizing and visualizing the data. The GC Wealth Project research team and Lovelytics are finalizing the modifications and additions to the templates. We are seeking a detail-oriented individual to oversee the integration of the Wealth Inequality Dashboard Project into the Stone Center website. The Research Project Visualization Manager will then maintain the live dashboard, overseeing development and refinement of it as the GC Wealth Project research team continues and expands the data collection.

    Required/preferred experience and skills:
    • experience with Tableau, with demonstrated knowledge of working with data dashboards,
    visualizations, and reports;
    • proficiency with WordPress;
    • experience translating data into storytelling;
    • experience balancing design aesthetics with the audience’s experience;
    • experience on multi-tiered projects;
    • strong interpersonal and communication skills and experience working in teams.

    Preference will be given to applicants familiar with the subject/language of economic inequality.

    ***This position is open only to students of the Graduate Center, CUNY.***

    Position, basic terms:
    – Remainder of fall 2020 semester through end of spring 2021 semester (renewal upon mutual agreement)
    – 8 hours per week (negotiable)
    – $25/hr starting rate contingent on experience

    To apply:
    – Send CV, cover letter describing relevant experience, and contact information for two references. Please address your cover letter to Dr. Salvatore Morelli, Director of the GC Wealth Project.
    – Optional: Send url with project sample.
    – Submit via email to
    – Materials should be submitted by Nov 15.
    – Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.

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